| Alpha Sigma Tau | Social Greek |
 | American Cancer Society at Gustavus | Service |
 | ARC (Adoption Recognition Community) | Awareness |
 | Asian Student Union (ASU) | Language / Cultural |
 | Bad Movie Club | Special Interest |
 | Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society (Tri-Beta) | Academic / Honorary |
 | Big Hill Farm | Awareness |
 | Big Partner Little Partner | Service |
 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Campus Activities Board | Academic / Honorary |
 | Campus Democrats | Governing Bodies |
 | Chemistry Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Cru | Religious |
 | Dance Collective of Gustavus | Special Interest |
 | Dead Poets Society | Special Interest |
 | Delight Ministries | Religious |
 | Delta Phi Omega | Social Greek |
 | Diversity Leadership Council | Governing Bodies |
 | E. Terry Skone Investment Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Eastern European Club | Language / Cultural |
 | Elders Program | Service |
 | Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity | Social Greek |
 | Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Religious |
 | Future Music Educators Association (FMEA) | Academic / Honorary |
 | GIECO (Gustavus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club and Opportunities) | Special Interest |
 | GSharp A Cappella | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Adolphus College Model United Nations | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Adolphus Ducks Unlimited | Service |
 | Gustavus Adolphus Figure Skating Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Adolphus Men's D2 Club Hockey | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Adolphus Ornithology Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Adolphus Pickleball Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Anime and Manga Society | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Athletic Training Association (GATA) | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Bands Outreach | Service |
 | Gustavus Botanical Society | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Chess Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Clay Target Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Club Tennis | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Dance Team | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Engineering Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Equestrian Team | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Finance Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Flute Choir | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Fly Fishing Club | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Game Club | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Geology Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Jazz Club | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Musicians and Artists Collective | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Philosophy Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Pre-Dental Club | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Pre-Physical/Occupational Therapy | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Queers and Allies | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Speech and Debate Team | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Student Nurses' Association | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Swing Club | Special Interest |
 | Gustavus Walking Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Women in Leadership | Academic / Honorary |
 | Gustavus Women's Rugby | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Womens Club Volleyball | Sports and Recreation |
 | Gustavus Youth Outreach | Religious |
 | Gustavus.gg | Special Interest |
 | Gustie Buddies | Service |
 | Habitat for Humanity | Service |
 | Hmong American Cultural Outreach (HACO) | Language / Cultural |
 | Inter-Greek Council | Governing Bodies |
 | International Cultures Club | Language / Cultural |
 | Kaleidoscope | Awareness |
 | Kappa Sigma Chi Fraternity | Social Greek |
 | KGSM Radio | Special Interest |
 | Language Buddies | Language / Cultural |
 | Legacy | Special Interest |
 | LineUs Improv Comedy Troupe | Special Interest |
 | Martial Arts | Sports and Recreation |
 | MCS Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Men's Nordic Ski Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | Men's Volleyball Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | MOMENTS | Service |
 | Muslim Students Association (MSA) | Religious |
 | Newman Center | Religious |
 | Order of Omega - Upsilon Omicron Chapter | Academic / Honorary |
 | Organization for Latin American Students (OLAS) | Language / Cultural |
 | Pan African Student Organization | Language / Cultural |
 | Pediatric Cancer Outreach Crew | Service |
 | Peer Assistants | Awareness |
 | POC in STEM | Academic / Honorary |
 | Political Science Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Pre-GC Club | Special Interest |
 | Pre-Health Club | Special Interest |
 | Pre-PA Club | Special Interest |
 | Pre-Vet Club | Academic / Honorary |
 | Prepare Ministries | Religious |
 | Proclaim | Religious |
 | Queers & Allies | Awareness |
 | Scandinavian Society | Language / Cultural |
 | Sigma Delta Pi | Academic / Honorary |
 | Sigma Sigma Sigma | Social Greek |
 | Society of Physics Students | Academic / Honorary |
 | Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) | Service |
 | Student Athlete Volunteer Educators (SAVE) | Sports and Recreation |
 | Student Educator's Association (SEA) | Academic / Honorary |
 | Students for Reproductive Freedom | Special Interest |
 | Tau Psi Omega (REDS) | Social Greek |
 | The Association for Underrepresented Awareness (AUA) | Awareness |
 | The Environmental Action Coalition | Special Interest |
 | The Gustavian Weekly | Media |
 | Theta Xi Gamma | Social Greek |
 | ThriftyGold | Special Interest |
 | Ultimate Frisbee Club | Sports and Recreation |
 | United Christian Ministries Council | Religious |
 | Women's Action Coalition | Awareness |
 | Women's Lacrosse | Sports and Recreation |
 | Women's Nordic Ski Team | Sports and Recreation |
 | Womxn in STEM | Academic / Honorary |
 | YoGAC | Sports and Recreation |