Student OrgsAsian Student Union (ASU)
- Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
- Asian Student Union (ASU) is an organization that dedicates itself to promoting and celebrating the rich diversity of Asian cultures and ethnicities within the Gustavus and St. Peter Communities. We are committed to providing a safe and belonging environment where underrepresented students can openly share and express their cultural identities while also fostering inclusivity and understanding among all members of the community. Everyone is welcomed!
- Affiliations
- N/A
- Application Type
- Language / Cultural
- Constitution
Asian Student Union Constitution
Asian Student Union (ASU)
The mission of this organization is to recognize, promote, and advocate Political and Social Dialogue along with Cultural and Ethnic Celebration within the Asian community on campus and in the Saint Peter area. This organization will promote peace and unity within the Asian community and the greater public by fulfilling both Political and Cultural aspects within the community. Asian Student Union dedicates its service to the Asian community on campus by providing a safe place for underrepresented students to be vocal about their culture and social aspects of their ethnic background.
Section 1.All Gustavus students interested in learning about the different Asian cultures and social/political problems faced by Asirsyan descent are welcome to attend the meetings. Asian Student Union will not discriminate on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. Instead, we as an organization will work together to improve the unity of our community.
Section 2.Members are welcomed and accepted continuously throughout the year
Section 3. Attend at least 50% of ASU events (Meetings, Activities, Fundraisers, & any on/off-campus ASU events)
Section 1. Asian Student Union Officers will consist of: 2 Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Risk Manager, Public Relations, Social Chair, and Diversity Leadership Council Representative. The position of the “Floater” role was adopted and based on the 22-23 Executive Board. All officers must be full-time students in good standing and enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus College.
Section 2. All Executive Board members are expected to demonstrate and show a strong upholding commitment to the organization, and represent the organization in a positive manner. Along with remaining fair and impartial during the organization's decision-making process, assisting with organization events when needed, and lastly encouraging and motivating fellow officers and organization members.
Section 3.All Executive Board members are required to show up to both the general meeting and the executive board meeting. If unable to attend the meeting, please notify both Co-Presidents at least 3 hours before the meeting.
Section 4. Any Executives failing to maintain membership in good standing or acting contrary to the values the organization holds may be removed by a vote of no confidence. Resignation or removal of an executive from their position before the close of the academic year will result in emergency elections to fill the vacant exec until the end of the academic year.
- A. If an executive board member is part of two or more organizations on campus. They must commit to the one with the position that is of more importance during events and meetings.
- Co-President
- Treasurer
- DLC Rep
- Secretary
- Public Relations
- Social Chair
- Risk Manager
- Floater
Section 5. All Executive Board members are expected to know the constitution and the responsibilities of their role.(Executive board member details can be found in the E-board resources folder)
Section 6. The duties of each office are described as follows:
- Co-Presidents
- Represent Asian Student Union when communicating with outside organizations whether on or off-campus
- Spokespeople for Asian Student Union
- Work along with secretary to create an agenda for meetings
- Preside over all meetings, including Executive Board meeting
- Facilitate communication between executive board members
- Work with advisor and other executive board members to create yearly goals for the organization
- Overseeing the process of all events organized by ASU
- Oversee all committees the organization forms
- Oversee all student organization purchase requests
- Maintaining a current list of contact information of the student organization officers, advisor, and board members
- Maintaining contact with other national organizations
- Ensuring that the club fulfills both the Political & Cultural aspect
- Votes in cases where there is a tie
- Coordinate elections
- Assists all executive officers
- Provides follow‐up to organizational tasks
- Listen and respond to the public
- Makes the final decision of all events, conversation, debates, etc.
- Secretary
- Record information at all meetings
- Distribute meeting minutes of every meeting to the appropriate alias
- Create an alias of all members of the organization
- Prepare an agenda with the Co-President for all meetings
- Prepare the organization's calendar of events
- Distribute agendas for each meeting of the organization
- Notifies all members of meetings
- Informed members of organization and campus events
- Keep a record of all activities of the organization
- Reserve locations for meetings and events
- Assist in the development of yearly organizational goals
- Treasurer
- Familiarize with accounting procedures and policies
- Provides advisor with a summary of financial records at the end of the academic year
- Advises members on financial matters (i.e. vendors, ticket selling procedures)
- Prepare all purchase orders, requisition forms, supply requests, and budget request for funds
- Prepare an annual budget
- Collects organization dues and pay organization bills
- Keeps all financial records of the organization
- Maintain a financial history of the organization
- Assisting with organization events
- Coordinate any fundraising efforts
- Assist in the development of yearly organizational goals
- Risk Manager
- Know and understand the Risk Management policies
- Enforce the policies when needed
- Ensuring the safety of all members of the organization
- Remind organization of what’s appropriate and not (minimizing the risk and liability)
- Neutralizer of all communication within the club
- When conflict arises within the organization, Risk Manager must address the conflict to the Executive Board
- Responsible for keeping order during all meetings and event planning, including keeping track of time
- In charge of all acquisition acquired by the organization, including vehicles
- Settle and misconduct or milage dispute within the organization
- Obtains appropriate facilities for organization activities
- Maintain an inventory of all equipment and its condition
- Assist in the development of yearly organizational goals
- Public Relations
- Establish and maintain communication between the organization and student body
- Inform the public of events/projects hosted by the organization
- Marketing all events held by the organization, including but not limited to social media and posters
- In charge of the organization's social media page
- Updating the public of all events the organization hosts through social media
- Building relationships with other organizations on and off-campus
- Obtaining photographs of all events being held by the organization
- Responsible for coordinating all guest visits, including reserving vehicles
- In charge of all transportation, including guest pick-ups and drop-offs
- Responsible for reserving the guest house for all overnight guests
- In charge of welcoming all guests of the organization unless otherwise specified
- Responsible for keeping treasurer updated on all costs incurred while hosting guest
- Assist in the development of yearly organizational goals
- Diversity Leadership Council Representative
- Represent ASU in a positive manner
- Represent ASU at all Diversity Leadership Council (DLC) meetings
- Attend weekly DLC meeting on top of regular ASU meeting
- Update DLC of all events ASU holds
- Responsible for reporting back information from DLC meeting
- Communicate between Treasure and Co-Presidents when presenting budgets
- Represent ASU when requesting money from DLC
- Assist other Executives when asked or when help is needed
- In the case of any collaboration between other organizations, DLC rep will represent ASU in substitute for co-president if the co-pres isn’t able to make it
- Assist in the development of yearly organizational goals
- Social Chair
- Be the liaison and email other organizations on and off campus when directed by the e-board.
- Execute any requests of collaboration after confirmation with presidents and e-board.
- Create and Promote ideas of collaboration between ASU and other groups/orgs on campus.
- Complete a list of notes about each event to relay information gathered to the e-board.
- Research ideas suggested for events and meetings/activities/hangouts as directed by the Presidents and e-board members.
- Keep a permanent file with recorded history of each organization/club/group that collaborates and reaches out to ASU.
- Floater
- To become a floater one must be an active member for at least a full semester.
- Floater’s Have no voting power. But can influence decisions.
Section 1.Executive Board members will create a poll at the beginning of the semester to determine weekly meetings and members will vote on the meeting date
- A. Unless meeting time is proposed by the executive board based on previous years.
Section 2.All meetings will consist of a community aspect before the logistics
- A. But can also include educational activities/information. (i.e. Post on Insta)
Section 3.Give the opportunity for members to speak and state their opinion
Section 4. All meeting will proceed informally
Section 5. Sign-in when attending the meeting
- A. Secretary writes/types down names during the meeting (i.e. Ice breaker)
Section 6. Meeting are allowed to go overtime if needed
Section 7. The organization may split up into committees when formatting events
Section 8. Decisions during meetings will be determined by majority vote
- A. Unless Co-Presidents make an executive decision to overrule a vote.
Section 9. The President may call emergency meetings for any matters they feel cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting
- A. Emergency meetings must be an hour max. Extended depending on the severity of the situation.
- B. Presidents must give a 2-hour minimum notice before designated emergency meeting time.
- C. If an Executive Board member does not respond ahead of time with a reason they cannot attend a meeting. They will face a three-strike penalty. That results in an internal investigation by Risk Manager and Co-Presidents.
Section 1. The Organization will be composed of multiple committees based on the guidance of Co-Presidents and the Executive board.
Section 2. The E-board will split into multiple committees for events with Executive board members acting as the head/chairman of that committee as volunteered or assigned by Co-Preisdents.
Section 3. Within committees, the e-board will be working with a fellow member to host events/meetings
Section 4. When hosting events, priority will be given to fellow members to take the lead of hosting the event.
Section 5. The Social Chair will be working closely with the e-board of their branch, along with the rest of the e-board
Section 6. Social Chair will commit to coming to e-board meetings until the end of the event they’re hosting
Section 7. In the case of no regular members wanting to take charge of planning an event, the Co-presidents must take charge and assign roles and tasks; unless an e-board member is interested in taking the lead
Section 8. Regular members will also be split into committees of their choice based on the event they want to take part in (i.e. Asian Night Market)
Section 9. At the end of each event, the e-board will be given the opportunity to switch committee members based on the committee head.
Section 1. Primary funding will be allocated through the Student Senate, any extra funding will be appropriated through fundraising or DLC.
Section 2. If an e-board member is to use their own money for any event hosted by ASU, they’re in charge of keeping the receipt and any relevant information and communicating with the Treasurer within a week to be reimbursed.
Section 3. Upon dissolution of Asian Student Union, any financial assets solely under the control of Asian Student Union will be donated to other organizations or causes that align with the mission of the organization as approved by the Executive Board or President/Advisor (if applicable).
Section 1. Elections for the New Executive Board will be held at least one month before the end of the year.
Section 2. Any current members of the Organization are allowed to run for more than one e-board position, whether experienced or not
Section 3. All candidates running must prepare a 1-2 minute speech
Section 4. New Executive Board members will be selected based on majority votes of the Executive board
Section 5. The Executive Board will collectively tally up the votes and Co-Presidents will send out the results
Section 6. Once the new Executive Board is elected, they are to shadow current e-board members of their role before fully taking over for the new year
Section 1. If a current e-board fails to fulfill their responsibilities, any e-board members are allowed to bring it up during e-board meetings.
Section 2. E-board will take voting on whether or not the individual shall remain or be let go.
Section 3. In the case of a tie, Co-presidents will have to mutually agree and vote as a pair.
Section 4. In the case of impeachment does go through, co-presidents will inform the organization of the current situation and will take charge in finding a replacement.
Section 5. Furthermore, all current e-board members will take part in fulfilling the responsibilities of the open position until a replacement is found.
I,_______________________________________________________ have read over the consitution carefully and fully understand whats expected of me and my fellow e-board members. I have read over my responsibilities as an e-board of Asian Student Union and understand my role and responsibilities. By signing this amendment contract, I accept my position and responsibilities that comes along with my position and role as a fellow e-board of Asian Student Union.Signature:___________________________________________________________________________