Student Organizations

Student Leadership Organization Training (SLOT)

Each student organization must complete the Student Leadership Organization Training (SLOT) at the beginning of the Fall semester each academic year. 

Organization members may view the training here:

Recognition Process for Organizations

  1. All organizations must complete Student Leadership Organization (SLOT) training online at the beginning of the Fall semester.
  2. All CONTINUING organizations will then log on to the new student organization website, and make the necessary updates to their organization information.
  3. All NEW organizations must submit a completed Recognition Application for review by the Recognition Committee. In most cases, the Committee will ask a founder of the group to attend a meeting to answer questions.

In Order to be Recognized:

At a minimum, all student groups requesting official recognition from the College must meet the following standards before their application is considered:

  • A group must have at least 6 currently enrolled full-time students
  • A group may not duplicate the purpose and/or activities of an existing student organization. This provision safeguards limited resources and encourages students to work cooperatively when their interests and intentions are similar;
  • No group may discriminate against any person based on age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.
  • All groups must agree to the Gustavus Adolphus College anti-hazing policy.
  • All groups must be non-profit in nature.
  • A group must disclose if they are known by any other name or are affiliated with any other organizations or parent groups (i.e. Amnesty International, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, etc.).
  • Abide by all federal, state and local laws, College policies and, in the case of affiliated groups, the policies of their parent organization;
  • Select an advisor who is a fulltime member of the Gustavus Adolphus College faculty, staff or administration;
  • Establish a purpose for the group that is consistent with the mission of the College;
  • Warrant that the group will not present undue risk to participants or to the College.

Loss of Recognition

Recognized organizations may lose their recognized status for any of the following reasons:

  1. Governing documents, advisor contract and/or list of officers are not submitted within 30 days of notice of recognition.
  2. The organization fails to meet the minimum established criteria for annual recognition.
  3. Through an assessment or annual recognition process, it is determined that an organization lacks member support and is no longer sustainable or that the organization’s activities or mission are no longer consistent with that of the College.
  4. The organization is found to be in violation of one or more of the policies outlined in the Student Code of Conduct found in the Gustavus Adolphus College, Gustie Guide.

Statement on Unrecognized Organizations

Students who pledge, accept membership, or affiliate in any way with a former organization whose recognition has lapsed, been withdrawn, or suspended are in violation of Gustavus policy and are subject to referral to the Student Conduct system. This may result in individual disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion. Students who assist in perpetuating these organizations are subject to the same disciplinary action. For the purposes of this policy, “affiliation” and “perpetuation” apply to representing oneself as a member of one of these organizations through the wearing of members-only apparel, exhibiting letters or other symbols unique to the organization, and/or coordinating or attending functions of the unrecognized organization.

Repeated violations of Gustavus Adolphus College policies may result in a group losing recognition either temporarily or permanently from the College because they have damaged the reputation of the community, violated students’ rights, and/or endangered their welfare. In the case of fraternities/sororities, the governing council or Inter/National Office may also suspend recognition. Students may not join or be active in these organizations.

Please contact the Campus Activities Office (, if you’d like to make a report regarding student participation in any unrecognized groups.

For complete policy information regarding student organizations, please review the Student Organization How-to-Guide.