Student OrgsThriftyGold

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
The mission of our group is to create a fun environment for people to learn how to reduce clothing related waste by means of donating and reusing old or unused clothing, as well as providing inexpensive ways to keep our own wardrobe fashion forward!
Application Type
Special Interest

The name of this organization shall be ThriftyGold.

Section 1: The purpose and mission of the organization shall be to create a fun environment for people to learn how to reduce clothing related waste by means of donation and reuse of old or unused clothing as well as providing inexpensive ways to keep our own wardrobe fashion forward.

ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1: Membership in the organization at Gustavus Adolphus shall be open to any and all students, faculty, and staff on campus.  Once a student graduates or ceases to be a student at the college, his/her membership in the Club shall cease.

Section 2: Any member may be removed from membership for violation of the purposes of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the membership.  All members must be notified of this pending action at least one week prior to the removal decision.  Written charges by a member are to be presented to the Executive Committee who will notify the member in question with sufficient opportunity given for the member to answer charges at a meeting of the membership.  Voting for removal from membership is to be done by secret ballot.  The member in question must be notified immediately of the outcome of the vote.

Section 3: It shall be stated as part of the policy of ThriftyGold at Gustavus Adolphus that membership and membership privileges must be open to all students without regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or any other classification protected by law, so that all members of the community are treated at all times with dignity and respect. Membership and participation in the organization must also be open without regard to gender, unless exempt under Title IX.

Section 4: With membership in the Club shall come full floor and voting privileges on any and all items of Club business, including resolutions, items of legislation, bylaws, and elections.

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1: The officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Risk Manager, and Public Relations (PR) Coordinator.  The executive board members shall be responsible for all administrative duties of the Club.

Section 2: The President shall have the power to establish and maintain operation procedures of the Club, call meetings, and shall be able to vote in all decisions affecting the Club.

Section 3: The Vice President shall assist the President with administrative duties, work with the Treasurer to keep accurate, organized, and detailed finance-related records and receipts, assume those duties in the absence of the President, and other position-related duties as deemed necessary by the President to help the functioning of Thrifty Gold.

Section 4: The Secretary shall keep an accurate, organized, and detailed record of the minutes of all meetings and programs, take attendance, record and report absences at all meetings, and other position-related duties as deemed necessary by the President to help the functioning of Thrifty Gold.

Section 5: The Treasurer shall receive and distribute organization funds upon the authorization of the President, in accordance with the financial rules and regulations of the College and the laws of the State of Minnesota, make financial reports at all Executive Board meetings and regular meetings of the organization, work with the Vice President to keep accurate, organized, and detailed finance-related records and receipts, coordinate fundraising activities approved by the Executive Board, and other position-related duties as deemed necessary by the President to help the functioning of Thrifty Gold.

Section 6: The Risk Manager shall weigh risks of decisions made during meetings and ensure the safety of the organization and members and other position-related duties as deemed necessary by the President to help the functioning of Thrifty Gold.

Section 7: The elected officers shall form the Executive Board.

ARTICLE V: Elections

Section 1: The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Risk Manager, and PR Coordinator shall be elected by the members of the organization to serve until graduation or resignation.  Elections shall be held at the last regular meeting of the organization each year. The officers shall be elected by means of a ballot.

Section 2: Nominations of candidates for organization officer positions may be nominated by any member at the last meeting of the year.  Nominees for officer positions must be dedicated organization members.

Section 3: Voting shall take place after the close of nominations for each office.  Officers shall be elected by majority vote of those members present.

Section 4: The order of succession shall be:  (1) President, (2) vice president, (3) secretary, (4) treasurer, (5) risk manager.

Section 5: Vacancies occurring in any of the elected offices shall be officially filled at the next regular meeting following the occurrence of such a vacancy or vacancies.  The order of succession shall be followed in the filling of any vacant office during any unexpired term.  If an officer declines to succeed to a vacant office, then an election shall be held to fill the office for the remainder of the unexpired term.  The election procedure for filling the unexpired term of a vacant office shall be the same as for the normal procedure for elections.

ARTICLE VI: Appointments

Section 1: The president shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, such positions as may contribute to the successful operation of the organizations.

ARTICLE VII: Removal from office

Section 1: Any officer may be removed from office for failure to perform his/her prescribed duties by a two-thirds vote of the membership, provided that all members are notified of this pending action at least one week prior to the removal decision. Removal from office can occur either for failure to carry out the responsibilities of that office, or for actions which violate the purposes of the organization.  Written charges by a member are to be presented to the Executive Committee who will notify the officer in question with sufficient opportunity given for the officer to answer charges at a meeting of the membership.


Section 1: General membership meetings shall be held once a month, with additional meeting called by the  President as needed.  Notice of additional meetings must be given to all club members in the timeliest manner possible, usually not less than one week.  The official means of notifying members shall be agreed upon at the first meeting.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet when called by the President.

Section 3: Official notice of the meeting at which the election of organization officers will take place must be provided to all organization members not less than two weeks prior to such meeting.

Section 4: Quorum shall be defined as (example:  fifty percent plus one of the total) of the membership.  Quorum is needed for official votes to take place.


Section 1: The organization shall, as it deems necessary, undertake fundraisers for its own purposes.  All fundraising shall be conducted in accordance with College policies.

ARTICLE X: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present at two consecutive meetings at which the amendment has been read and discussed.

ARTICLE XI: Jurisdiction

Section 1: The organization is subject, as a recognized/registered student organization, to the rules, regulations, and policies of Gustavus Adolphus College and the laws of the State of Minnesota.  The rules, regulations, and policies of Gustavus shall hold precedence over any and all rules, regulations, and policies applying to the organization.

Read Full Constitution