Student OrgsEpsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
Attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas, our letters stand to mean "Hope, Faith, and Love." We are a brotherhood of gentlemen dedicated to service, scholarship, and growth, who therein pride themselves in respect for others, and value accountability to the men of the fraternity and the community as a whole through philanthropic action, scholastic involvement, and the goal of excellence in everyday life.
Inter-Greek Senate
Application Type
Social Greek

Believing that where there is law there is liberty, we the members of the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity do establish these bylaws for the government of our fraternity, and solemnly promise to obey them. It must be understood that the Constitution and the Statutes of the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity shall be supreme as approved by the College.


Article I: Name The name of this Fraternal organization will be Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity, otherwise known as the Eppies.


Article II: Mission Statement: Attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas, our letters stand to mean "Hope, Faith, and Love." We are a brotherhood of gentlemen dedicated to service, scholarship, and growth, who therein pride themselves in respect for others, and value accountability to the men of the fraternity and the community as a whole through philanthropic action, scholastic involvement, and the goal of excellence in everyday life.


Article III: Membership: Section 1: Selection A. No persons shall be pledged to membership in the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity unless accepted by no less the two-thirds majority vote of the members of the fraternity present and voting at a regular or special meeting. Selections are made at the meeting and turned in, in accordance with the Inter-Greek Senate’s time frame. B. No pledgeship can be broken except by the pledges own request or a vote of no less than two-thirds majority of the members of the fraternity, present and voting at a regular or special meeting. Section 2: Discrimination A. The Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity shall not be discriminatory in terms of ethnicity, religion, national origin, financial/social status, or orientation. Section 3: Eligibility A. The eligibility for membership into the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity shall follow the regulations set by the Inter-Greek Senate and Gustavus Adolphus College. Pledges must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 to be considered for membership into the Fraternity. Section 4: Initiation A. Newly elected members will be named pledges until they have completed the initiation set by the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity. B. Initiation consists of games and group activities that work toward brotherhood and friendship will all Fraternity members, pledges, and other Greek organizations.


Article IV: New Member Education Process Section 1: Definition A. The New Member Education Process is a period where Potential New Members (PNMs) become members of the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity. The New Member Education Process consists of games, internalization of the fraternity’s history, internalization of approved songs (namely the “Serenade” and “Hail,”), with any and all additional songs requiring approval by administration, internalization of fraternity members and PNMs respective names and backgrounds, and community service. Section 2: Stipulations A. The length of time that the New Member Education Process shall be held is determined by the Inter-Greek Senate in cooperation with the Dean of Students.


Article V: Grievance Policy: Any pledge may file a written grievance with the Co-Presidents of the fraternity within a week of the alleged violation of the Inter-Greek Senate’s Pledge Bill of Rights, Alcohol Policy, or the Hazing Policy. This written grievance will result in a meeting of the Eppie Judicial Board and the case will be heard.


Article VI: Dues Members of the Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity shall pay dues to cover the organization’s costs. To be considered an active member of the Fraternity, members must pay the set dues. The Amount of dues and time of payment will be Sixty-Nine dollars per semester.


Article VII: Inter-Greek Senate The Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity shall be a member of the Inter-Greek Senate. The Fraternity shall follow the policies and expectations set forth in the Constitution of the Inter-Greek Senate.


Article VIII: Advisor: The advisor(s) is a faculty or staff member of Gustavus Adolphus College. The Advisor(s) will attend meetings when requested or when they think it is necessary to attend. The advisor(s) will act as a liaison between the Fraternity and the College. The advisor(s) will ensure the Fraternity stays ethical and follows the policies set forth by the Fraternity, the Inter-Greek Senate, and the College.

Article IX: Officers Section 1: Officers A. The Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity will include the following office positions:

1. Co-Presidents (2) 2. Secretary 3. Treasurers (2) 4. New Member Education Chairs (NMEC) (4) 5. Sergeant at Arms (2)6. Historians (2) 7. Inter-Greek Senate Representative 8. Alumni Relations Chair. Section 2: Qualifications In order to be elected, an officer must be in good standing with the college. Officers shall attend all meetings and any Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity member who has been found guilty by the Eppie Judicial Board of violating the alcohol or hazing policy may not be elected to office for the following year in which the violation occurred. Certain officer positions have the following specific qualifications: 1. Co-Presidents: Must be in senior standing and be a full-time student for both semesters. 2. Treasurers: Must begin term in the spring of their sophomore year.

Section 3: Duties A. Co-Presidents: The Co-Presidents will preside over all meetings, enforce the constitution and bylaws, appoint all committees for philanthropic, social, and community service activities, handle all elections, be the focal point of communication, address all problems, and at least one president must attend IGS meetings. B. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep attendance at all meetings and the Fraternity’s events, prepare and send the weekly meetings minutes to the fraternity members, be responsible for photographic documentation at events, keep track of accountability and behavioral standards set forth by the Eppie Judicial Board, and include a funny tag line at the end of each minute’s report. C. Treasurers: The Treasurers shall be responsible for collecting dues and repayment for all acceptable expenses, be responsible for all financial transactions, and present a monthly report explaining expenses and accounts receivable. The Treasurer’s term will consist of three consecutive semesters starting in the spring of sophomore year. The Treasurers will be an Apprentice for the first semester and the Master for the remaining 2 semesters. D. New Member Education Chairs: NMEC's shall be responsible for preparing and leading the pledging activities, submitting the New Member Education calendars to the Inter-Greek Senate, for collaborating with sororities for functions, and following all IGS pledging rules. The NMEC's will have authority over all active members (except the Sergeant at Arms and Co-Presidents) during New Member activities. E. Sergeant at Arms: The Sergeant at Arms shall carry out mediating tasks based on needs of members. This includes but is not limited to; work with both sides in a dispute in an attempt to help them reach an agreement, reach out to a member who may need help regarding some matter, and keeping order at all fraternity meetings. F. Historians The Historians shall be responsible chronicling, maintaining, and updating the Fraternity’s history and historical archives. Also, they are responsible for teaching the pledges the Fraternity’s history during the New Member Education process. G. Inter-Greek Senate Representative The IGS Representative shall be responsible for attending all IGS meetings along with one or both the Co-Presidents and communicating the fraternity’s information to IGS and vice versa. H. Webmaster The Webmaster shall be responsible for updating the Fraternity’s internet material, and updating the various email aliases. I. Alumni Relations Chair The Alumni Relations Chair shall be responsible for creating and sending the bi annual newsletter to the Alumni of the Fraternity, managing the Alumni database, managing the Fraternity’s scholarship endowment fund, and coordinating fundraising activities for the Fraternity’s endowment fund.

Section 4: Elections A.  Elections will be held as needed throughout the Academic Year. B. To be eligible for a position, one must be nominated and seconded by a member of the Fraternity. C. Nominees will leave the meeting room and will be discussed and voted on by the remaining fraternity members. Voting may be used to decrease the number of nominees. D. In order to cast a vote in the election process a member must be in good standing with the fraternity. Fraternity members abroad or pursuing internships may cast a vote in absentia by contacting the presidents. E. If you are electing multiple people to a position, a simple majority is required to elect nominees, and a two-thirds majority is required to confirm the appointment. Section 5: Term of Office All officers shall serve for one Academic Year unless stated otherwise. Section 6: Vacancies All vacancies shall be filled at the next regular meeting by special election.

Article X: Academics If a member’s cumulative grade point average falls below 2.5, he shall be barred from voting at fraternity meetings until the standard grade point average is met at either mid-term or semester’s end.

Article XI: Amendments Articles of this Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority members present at a meeting of the fraternity.

Article XII: Attendance: Section 1: Weekly meetings, community service events, and educationals are mandatory for all fraternity members. Additionally, other activities and events may be made mandatory no less than two weeks in advance of the event by a two-thirds majority vote by members present at a fraternity meeting. Section 2: If a member accrues three or more unexcused absences during a semester, he shall be placed on probation for the duration of the semester. Members put on probation must meet with the Co-Presidents and Sergeant at Arms within two weeks of their probation notification to discuss the validity of absence excuses and will be barred from voting at fraternity meetings. Section 3: If a member accrues five or more unexcused absences (not cleared one week prior to the event by the Co-Presidents) during a semester, he shall be barred from attending socials, banquets, and other brotherhood events for the duration of the semester. Section 4: Special circumstances: Given the context of an absence (initially up to the discretion of the Co-Presidents), a member’s absence may be deemed excusable according to the following: A. Family emergencies. B. Wellness. C.  Gustavus Sponsored Events.  Section 5: An unexcused absence may be discussed by the member who was not in attendance at a mandatory event with the Co-Presidents and Sergeant at Arms. While it is initially up to the Co-Presidents and the Sergeant at Arms’ discretion to determine the validity of a member’s absence, the members of the fraternity may move it to a vote to confirm or challenge their decision. A. A two-thirds majority vote is necessary to challenge this decision.

Read Full Constitution