
Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
To create a fun, inclusive community for video game players of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and video game experience.
None applicable
Application Type
Special Interest




The name of this organization shall be “”.



The purpose of (the Organization) shall be to create a fun, inclusive community for video game players of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and video game experience.



Section 1:Membership in this organization is open to all students who display interest.

Section 2:The following categories of membership exist in the Organization: 

Casual players (those who play video games, but not competitively)

Competitive players (those who play video games at a competitive level in terms of leaderboard rank, fastest time, or any other method of comparing and contrasting different players)

All categories of membership receive equal treatment and opportunity.

Section 3:Members are accepted continually throughout the year as long as they attend at least one weekly meeting, event, or similar, and register in accordance with College policy.



Section 1:The following officer positions shall exist in Competitive Co-President  and Casual Co-President (collectively “Co-Presidents”), Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicist. All officers must be full-time students in good standing enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus College.

Section 2:The duties of each office are described as follows:

Competitive Co-President

To organize and preside over meetings

To function as a spokesperson for the Organization

To facilitate communication officers

To work with the advisor and others to create yearly goals for the organization

To focus on the competitive (eSports) function of the Organization

To be responsible for recruitment of new members including coordinating the tables at Student Organization Fairs

Casual Co-President

To preside over meetings in the absence of the Competitive Co-President

To exercise all the functions of the office of the Competitive Co-President in their absence

To assist the Competitive Co-President in the organization of club events

To assist in the development of yearly organizational goals

To assist the Competitive Co-President in recruitment of new members, including coordinating the tables at Student Organization Fairs


To keep a written record of what happened at all meetings

To manage internal communications via the Discord server

To keep club members informed of upcoming meetings and events

To assist in the development of yearly organization goals

To update the Constitution appropriately when amendments are made


To maintain the finances of the Organization and keep accurate records of all financial matters

To coordinate fundraising efforts

To assist in the development of yearly organizational goals


To be responsible for the Organization’s social media presence, including but not limited to Instagram pages, Twitter accounts, Snapchat public stories, and other miscellaneous social media sites 

To promote and publicize all events

To assist in the development of yearly organizational goals

Section 3:Candidates for office must be nominated from the membership of the Organization at the first weekly meeting of the academic year. Self-nomination is encouraged. Only one officer position will hold an election at a time (see Sec. 1). Members who receive nominations will have a brief period of time (max. 5 min) to elaborate on their goals, background, and why they may be a good fit for the position. Once all candidates have spoken, voting may begin. All members present on the day of voting who have attended at least one weekly meeting that semester will be eligible to vote. Voting will take place using paper ballots and collected by the Secretary (unless it is the Secretary’s election, in which case the Co-Presidents will assume this duty until the Secretary’s election concludes). Candidates will be elected into office if they receive a majority vote.

Section 4:The term of office begins at the conclusion of the meeting where the election was held, with the following week serving as a transition period for new and old officers. The term of office shall last for the remainder of the current academic year. Any vacancies during the year shall be announced to the membership at the meeting following the vacancy. Nominations shall be taken and voting shall occur at that meeting, in accordance with Article V, Sec. 3. If no one is nominated, the Co-Presidents can appoint a member to that position.

Section 5:The Organization, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present, may remove, on good cause, an officer from their office. A request for removal from office will be brought to the Advisor or a Co-President, who will then bring the request before the membership at the next scheduled meeting.



Section 1:Meetings will be held a minimum of once a month during the academic year. The Executive Board will meet at the beginning of each semester to set meeting dates, with input from members via channels of communication like the Discord server. The Secretary is responsible for informing members of meetings. The President will set the agenda for the meetings with input from all members and Executive Board members.

Section 2:Decisions are made by voting- brought to the floor by a motion and a second. A majority shall allow the vote to pass.

Section 3:Either a Co-President or the Advisor has the capability of calling special meetings for any matters they feel cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Members must be given at least 3 days notice of any special meetings.



Section 1:The Executive Board shall be comprised of both Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicist.

Section 2:The executive board shall meet at least once a month to discuss the planning of Organization events. At the board’s first meeting of each semester, they shall set the dates for all Fan Club Meetings, following Article V, Sec. 1, as well as develop organizational goals.



Section 1:The Executive Board may create Special Committees on an as needed basis.



Section 1:Funds of the organization shall be raised primarily through the Gustavus Student Senate until some palpable source of income presents itself.

Section 2:Upon dissolution of the Organization, any financial assets will be credited to the Gustavus Student Senate.



Section 1:By-laws may be established by club members and reviewed each September. Any member in good standing can propose the by-laws. They will be prepared for voting by the Executive Board members and submitted to members in writing prior to the meeting where voting is to take place.

Section 2:All members in good standing are eligible to vote, but must be present at the meeting to do so. A majority vote is needed to allow the by-law to pass.



Section 1:All members of that are in good standing may propose Amendments. The proposed amendments will be reviewed by the Executive Board members and submitted to members in writing prior to the meeting where voting is to take place.

Section 2:All members in good standing are eligible to vote, but must be present at the meeting to do so. A two-thirds (2/3) majority is needed to allow the amendment to pass.

Section 3:If amendments are passed, they take effect at the end of the meeting during which they are passed.

Date of Ratification: 10/23/2021

Read Full Constitution