Student OrgsWomen's Action Coalition
- Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
- The purpose of this organization is to promote women's rights and equality within Gustavus Adolphus College and St. Peter communities. We maintain the physical space of the Women's Action Coalition as a safe zone for students and a place of learning. We strive to remain an open community which fosters discussions among a diverse group of people.
- Affiliations
- None
- Application Type
- Awareness
- Constitution
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Women's Action Coalition (WAC).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to promote women's rights and equality within Gustavus Adolphus College and St. Peter communities. We maintain the physical space of the Women's Action Coalition as a safe zone for students and a place of learning. We strive to remain an open community which fosters discussions among a diverse group of people.
Article III: Membership
Section 1: Membership in this organization is open to all students who are interested in the promotion and progression of women’s rights and equality, as well as conversation and education about women’s issues in our community and world. You do not have to be a woman to join the Women’s Action Coalition but you must support women to join the Women's Action Coalition.
Section 2: With the exception of officers, no member of the Women's Action Coalition shall be considered to have more authority over others; no categories of membership shall exist.
Section 3: Members are accepted continually throughout the year so long as they are in good standing with the College. A student may become a member of the Women's Action Coalition by requesting that they be added to the email based mailing list and attending organization meetings.
Section 4: Through conversation with the Executive Board and the party(s) involved the group shall come to a majority decision on the fate of the standing of the accused member(s). Reasons for removal may include but are not limited to violation of school policies, severe rude behavior, and abuse of Women's Action Coalition resources. Of course, members may themselves request that they be removed from membership.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1: The following officer positions shall exist: Co-[Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Risk Manager, Vice President, DLC Representative, Outreach Manager]
Section 2: Duties of each officer: (Co-) President(s): to organize and initiate meetings; to act as a spokesperson for the Women's Action Coalition; to facilitate communication among members; to help in the organization and preparation for events; to work with advisers and other members of WAC. Vice President: Create meeting agendas with the Co-Presidents, help facilitate and conduct meetings, and communicate with the other members of the executive board. Lead members of the organization in fulfilling the mission of WAC and maintain organization within the group. Host at least one independent event each semester or in collaboration with other student organizations. Secretary: Takes minutes at both the executive board meetings as well as weekly meetings, sends out weekly reminder emails, keeps members up to date on what things are occurring within WAC, assists in the organization's goals, and handles all email correspondence for WAC. Treasurer: Manages WAC’s finances, contacts DLC and/or Student Senate to maintain finances and accurate records of budget, keeps track of sales and fundraising efforts, assists in organizations goals, attends board meetings.Understand our 9-line, archives receipts, and manages the budget regularly. Risk Manager: Assesses any potential risks of events and makes sure the organization stays in good standing with the college. Present at necessary training, coordinate volunteer sites, using the ‘special events’ checklist when necessary. Outreach Manager: Manages the WAC Instagram page as well as creating any promotional materials, and any other outreach initiatives they feel would be beneficial to the WAC. DLC Representative: Attends weekly Diversity Leadership Council meetings (Wednesdays at 6:30 pm) and reports information back to the group, reaches out to other organizations for co-sponsorships and invites them to events and meetings.
Section 3: All members of the executive board must be present at weekly executive board meetings. The DLC representative must be present at DLC meetings. If a member has to miss a meeting, they must inform the Co-Presidents. If the DLC representative has to miss a DLC meeting, they will need to find a proxy board member to go in their place.
Section 4: Those hoping to run for office of the Women's Action Coalition must submit an application, in which they describe their leadership abilities and why they feel competent to act as a resource and coordinator for the organization and its values. Applicants will then be selected by the previous years’ Executive Board.
Section 5: Term of office begins with the start of the Fall school year and continues through the Spring (September-May). Subject to modification if one wants to study abroad, needs to step down, or a myriad of reasons. If a Board member would like to step down, they should elect to have a conversation with the (Co-) President(s) and if that position is not available to trickle down the lineage in order presented above. Then a re-election is prompted.
Section 6: if the majority of the members feel that a board member is not keeping up with their responsibilities or based on another good cause, they should bring it up and nominate a new board member at the next meeting.
Article V: Meetings
Meetings will be held every week. The secretary will be responsible for informing members about the meetings.
Article VI: Finances
Organization's funds shall be raised through the Diversity Leadership Council. If more funds are needed, a case could also be presented to Student Senate. Fundraising is an option if applicable but the first two steps listed above should be vetted first.
Article VII: Amendments
Members may propose amendments. These will need to be submitted two weeks before voting takes place. All members in good standing are eligible to vote and must be present at the meeting to do so. Majority of votes needed to pass the amendment, which will take effect right away if passed.
Date Updated: 12/13/2021