Student OrgsDead Poets Society
- Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
- The purpose of this club is foster community among Gustavus students, encourage and support a love of poetry, and provide a space of creative outlet. We will do this by meeting once a week and holding a space where one can read, listen to, and/or write poetry no matter where they are in their poetic journey.
- Affiliations
- None
- Application Type
- Special Interest
- Constitution
Article 1. Section 1- The name of the club shall be Dead Poets Society (DPS).
Article 2. Section 1- The pupose of DPS is to foster community among Gustavus students, encourage and support a love of poetry, and provide a space of creative outlet.
Article 3. Section 1- Elected officers of the club will be President, Vice President, Secretary, Tresurer, and Risk Manager. The President will collaborate with the other officers, help organize events, help lead the meetings, and be a resource for all. The Vice President will manage the social media, work with the president and other officers, and take over if president is gone. The secretary will record all club members and take meeting notes. The tresurer will manage any monatry responsiblities. The risk manager will be there to talk to if any rules or discrimation is occuring. They will talk with the President and VP to figure out a solution. Section 2- One Academic Year. Section 3- Democratic election. A voting process by all members present. In the event that a change needs to be made 2/3rds of the club members must agree on that change.
Article 4. Section 1- You must be a member of Gustavus Adolphus College. Section 2- Talk to an officer to get more information and to be added to the groupme. Section 3- Come to the meetings, don't be offense, be respecful and courtious of others when they are sharing, and participate in events when you can.
Article 5. Section 1- We will meet once a week. Section 2- If we need a special meeting we will message group members on Groupme and instagram posts. Section 3- We need at least 4 members present in order to make club decisions.