Student OrgsPolitical Science Club

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
The Political Science Club is a nonpartisan group that aims to foster political discourse at Gustavus Adolphus College by providing a place for discussions regarding domestic and international politics.
Application Type
Academic / Honorary

Article I: NAME

  1. The organization shall be known as the Political Science Club (PSC).


  1. The purpose of the organization is to promote discussion and debate regarding domestic and international politics


  1. Membership in the Political Science Club is open to all full-time or part-time students enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus College
  2. Members are accepted continually throughout the year


Section I. Officers

  1. The following officer positions shall exist in the Political Science Club: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Coordinator. 

Section II. Selections of Officers

  1.  Shall be elected by the Political Science Club annually
  2. Will be elected to a one-year term of office to commence upon the conclusion of the last meeting of the spring semester of upon the completion of the voting process, whichever is later

Section III. Roles of Officers

  1. President
  1. Presides over meetings and activities
  2. Assists in setting and reviewing agendas for meetings
  3. Functions as Club spokesperson
  4. Acts as liaison among members, officers, and advisors
  5. Organizes Club activities and events
  6. Works with the advisor and other executive board members to create yearly goals for the organization
  7. Reserves the right to call additional meetings when necessary (if granted approval from the advisor)
  1. b) Vice President
  1. Presides over meetings and activities
  2. Assists in setting and reviewing agendas for meetings
  3. Organizes Club activities and events
  4. Presides over any meetings, activities, and events in the absence of the Club President
  5. To exercise all functions of the office of the President in the absence of the President
  1. c) Secretary
  1. To keep a written record of what happened at all of the Political Science Club meetings and Executive Board meetings
  2. Assists in organizing Club activities and events
  3. Assists in working with the advisor and other executive board members to create yearly goals for the organization
  4. Organizes an email alias to send out meeting reminders
  5. Attends the Political Science Club’s meetings
  1. d) Treasurer
  1. Create an official budget proposal to be presented to and approved by the Student Senate
  2. Track purchases
  3. Manages the Political Science Club’s budget
  4. Works closely with event planning to support their goals and initiatives
  5. Attends the Political Science Club’s meetings
  1. e) Public Relations Coordinator
  1. To promote and publicize all Political Science Club events and meetings via social media and posters at the Gustavus Adolphus College Campus
  2. To book a table for and plan the Involvement Fairs, which are held every semester
  3. To attend monthly Executive Board meetings


  1. Meetings of the membership of the Political Science Club shall be held 1-5 times per month, with the exception of the months of May, June, July, and August.
  2. The meeting time of the Political Science Club is 7 pm on Wednesday evenings
  3. The meeting place of the Political ​​Science Club will be Beck Academic Hall


  1. Qualifications
  1. The advisor shall be a regular employee of Gustavus Adolphus College
  2. The advisor shall preferably teach within the Political Science subject

iii. The advisor maintains the right to attend all organization meetings, activities, and events.

iiii. The advisor will remain in its role throughout the yearly change of executive boards


  1. The constitution will go into effect when there is a two-thirds majority vote by the general assembly to ratify it


Section I. Initiation: Any member can initiate a proposal for amending the Constitution. The amendment must first be proposed in writing to the executive board, and is then to be brought up to the consecutive PSC meeting

Section II. Voting: If a simple majority of the executive board votes in favor of the amendment, the amendment will be presented at the next general assembly’s meeting, where a two-thirds majority must approve the amendment

Section II. Implementation: If amendments are passed, they are to take effect at the end of the meeting during which they are passed

Date of Ratification:

Read Full Constitution