Student OrgsKappa Sigma Chi Fraternity

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
We the members of Kappa Sgima Chi have come together to develop camaraderie which in the face of adversity shall remain strong and will uphold the morals and values of the fraternity, college, and community by creating relationships and promoting respect between these institutions. those within the fraternity shall cultivate a nurturing environment which shall instill a healthy lifestyle within their academics and social affiliations. This fraternity does not discriminate in any form and believes that by creating this union we may use our knowledge from our diverse members to better ourselves through common morals and values. We strive to assist each member to become a well-balanced individual in their personal and communal endeavors.
Application Type
Social Greek

ARTICLE 1 – Name

1. The name of this organization shall be the Kappa Sigma Chi Fraternity.

ARTICLE 2 – Purpose

  1. To provide a non-hazing environment for those that wish to be part of a social fraternity.


  1. To facilitate positive self-growth through various social and community activities.


  1. To become a valued service in the Gustavus Adolphus College and Saint Peter communities.


  1. To promote the positive aspects of each individual in the fraternity.


  1. To promote the values of group interaction and cooperation.  


  1. To recruit candidates who wish to be part of the Kappa Sigma Chi Fraternity.  


ARTICLE 3 – Officers


  1. The officers of the Kappa Sigma Chi will be as follows:

  1. Co-President:  The co-presidents shall preside over all fraternity meetings, facilitate communication between the officers and group, and delegate responsibilities to officers and committee heads.


  1. Secretary:  The secretary shall take attendance at all chapter events and minutes at all meetings of the fraternity including Judicial Board meetings. He shall facilitate communication between fraternity members and prepare semester reports for all the members (active or inactive) as well as an annual newsletter for alumni.


  1. Treasurer:  The treasurer shall be in charge of keeping all financial records.  He will collect all fraternity dues along with being in charge of all fraternity funds.


  1. Sergeant-At-Arms: The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be the member charged with maintaining good order and discipline within the fraternity. He shall serve as the fraternity's risk manager; the two titles may be used interchangeably. In addition to his risk management duties, the Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for bringing cases before the fraternity judicial board per Article 7, and shall be the member charged with reporting policy violations to the college.


  1. Officers shall serve one-year terms.


  1. Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms in any one particular office.


  1. Officers will be elected one month prior to the end of each fall semester and will shadow the current officer in the position elected to until the semester concludes.


  1. Notification of elections shall be given at least one week prior to the actual event.


  1. Any active member may run for any office, with the exception of the office of the president.  The president must have held at least one other office or chair position prior to election.


  1. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of all active members.  


  1. Vacancies during the term shall be filled in a timely manner by a simple majority vote of all active members.


  1. Impeachment of an officer shall be conducted in the following manner:


  1. A writ of impeachment against any officer may be submitted by any active member at a regular meeting.  


  1. This writ must be signed by at least three Active Members of the chapter and must list the charges as the basis for the writ.

  1. All Active Members in the chapter must be informed of the writ prior to any impeachment vote.  


  1. In order to allow the officer in question an opportunity to prepare a statement concerning the charges against them, a special session shall be scheduled for action on the writ no less than three, no more than seven, days following the submission of the writ.


  1. Impeachment requires a 2/3 majority vote of all Active Members in the chapter.


  1. This vote will be anonymous and is to be conducted by the Sergeant-At-Arms.  


  1. Any disciplinary action besides the impeachment will be decided upon by the judicial board within 7 days of the impeachment vote.


  1. Following a 2/3 majority vote of impeachment, an election will take place the following week to determine who will fill the vacant seat.


ARTICLE 4 – Meetings


  1. The fraternity shall hold weekly meetings during the school year.


  1. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the president or at the request of any active member.  


  1. Special meetings are not mandatory.


  1. The secretary shall notify all members at least twenty-four hours before any meeting, special or regular.


  1. Attendance shall be taken at all regular meetings.  


ARTICLE 5 – Committees


  1. The fraternity shall contain both standing and special committees.


  1. Committees exist to address areas of focused or special concern.

Members shall serve on committees on a voluntary basis.


  1. All committees shall have a chair who will be appointed by the co-presidents.


  1. Chairs shall be responsible for making regular reports to the fraternity on the committee’s progress.  


  1. The fraternity shall have the following standing committees:


    1. New Member

    2. Community Service

    3. Apparel

    4. Public Relations

    5. Philanthropy

    6. Banquet

    7. Social

    8. Standards


  1. The New Member committee shall contain two new member chairs and the Corporal.


  1. Special committees may be formed according to the needs of the fraternity and shall be dissolved upon the completion of their designated duties.  


ARTICLE 6 – Membership


  1. The fraternity shall have the following types of members:


      1. New Member:  One who has announced their desire to become an active member, and has been accepted into a new member class.  New members are allowed to attend all new member functions and meetings.  New members may withdraw from the new member process at any time for any reason.  In addition, there will be a vote midway through the new member process whereby the actives will vote on granting membership to each new member.  If a new member does not receive a majority vote he will be issued a warning telling him so.  At the end of new member event there shall be another vote to determine the official membership status of each new member.  Each new member must receive a majority vote to become a member of Kappa Sigma Chi fraternity.  New member rights are further stated in the New Member Bill of Rights.


      1. Active:  One who has completed the new member process and has paid their dues and insurance in a timely manner.  Actives have a responsibility to adhere to the rules of the fraternity and be a positive and helpful member of the organization.  Actives may attend all functions and meetings.  


      1. Inactive:  One who consciously decides not to be an active participant of the fraternity.  One can become inactive through formal announcement to an officer of the fraternity or by not paying dues.  Inactive members may not attend functions or meetings and forfeit their right to vote, but have a right to information on current activities and decisions.  Any inactive may reactivate at any time by informing an officer and paying their dues.


      1. Probate:  One who is forced to be inactive.  A member may be a probate due to academic or disciplinary probation.  Probates have a right to information on current activities and decisions within the fraternity but forfeit their right to vote and attend meetings or events.  The time that one remains a probate is decided by the judicial board in accordance with their power and college policies.  


      1. Alumni:  One who was at any time an active member but has graduated from college.  Alumni are entitled to attend any fraternity function.  They may attend meetings upon request and subsequent approval.  Alumni will be kept up to date of fraternity activities through a mailing list.

  1. The fraternity’s officers and members will comply with all rules set forth by the Inter-Greek Senate.  


  1. This fraternity will not refuse membership to anyone on the basis of their race, creed, national origin, religion, or sexual preference.


ARTICLE 7 – Fraternity Judicial Board


  1. The fraternity shall have a judicial board to address questions and concerns of active or new member actions which conflict with the laws of Kappa Sigma Chi.  


  1. (As stated in JBC) There will be at one member from each new member class on the Judicial Board and will be elected one month prior to the end of first semester, which coincides with the election of the Cabinet members.


  1. Members shall serve a one-year term.


  1. The board’s authority is limited by the Judicial Board constitution.


  1. The board shall decide all disciplinary actions.


  1. No disciplinary actions may be implemented without proof.


  1. No disciplinary action may overstep the bounds of civil law or be cruel and unusual.


  1. Any member brought before the board is not considered responsible until proven otherwise.


  1. All individuals have the right to defend themselves or have a representative to defend them.


  1. All judicial board hearings will be preceded by a primary review, at which time the board will hear testimony and decide if there is sufficient evidence to call a hearing.  


  1. All judicial board meetings are open to all active members of the fraternity.


  1. All members are entitled to an appeal.  To do so the member in question must present a written statement including the reason(s) for appealing to the president or vice-president.


  1. If a judicial board member infringes or violates any rule of the fraternity, they are removed from the board temporarily.  They will be reinstated upon completion of the case, unless decided otherwise by the Judicial Board.  


ARTICLE 8 – Conflict Resolution Process


  1. Conflict Resolution Process is separated into different periods of time; New Member Process and all time outside of that period.


  1. Intra-Fraternity issue(s), if not life threatening, shall be managed within the Fraternity first.


  1. Intra-Fraternity issue(s) shall be managed without predisposition based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, social standing, disabilities, and political beliefs.


  1. The issue(s) brought forth will not affect membership of the Fraternity unless the consequence is termination, which will be decided by the Judicial Board after a hearing. Only after the thorough process of the Judicial Board, which has not resolved the conflict. For process procedure of referral, refer to Sections 6 and 7 of this Article.


  1. Information discussed between new members (during the New Member Process), inactives and or active members (after the New Member Process) of the Fraternity will be held confidential unless otherwise authorized by said member bringing forth the issue. Regardless, the Sergeant-At-Arms will be notified per Article 3.  


  1. The process of resolving an issue within the Fraternity will go as ordered, by the following points: thus, the first step is identifying an issue(s) and or problem(s) that affect an individual member or the Fraternity in general.


  1. If the member bringing forth the issue is in a Fraternity officer, the Corporal and Sergeant-At-Arms will refer to the person above them. In the case of a Co-President, they will refer downward to Sergeant-At-Arms or Corporal, depending on the status of New Member orientation.


  1. During the New Member Process, the Corporal will be the first point of contact; second, the Sergeant-at-Arms; thirdly, the Co-Presidents; fourthly, the Fraternity Judicial Board; and fifthly, the Greek Advisor.


  1. Anytime outside of the New Member Process, the Sergeant-At-Arms shall be the first point of contact; secondly, the Co-Presidents; thirdly, the Fraternity Judicial Board; and fourthly, the Greek Advisor.


  1. In each step, the person who submitted the complaint will have an individual conversation with the person(s) referenced in Section 7 subsections 1 and 2 in this Article. Immediate action, if needed, is at the discretion of the person holding the chair and the chair directly above said position.  


  1. Then, an open discussion shall take place at the ensuing chapter meeting to resolve the issue(s) in a proper and timely manner. Issue(s) may be tabled to the next chapter meeting only one time, only if time constraints apply.


  1. All cases are to be taken care of in a timely and efficient matter; to the extent of which the fraternity is able to do so.


ARTICLE 9 – The New Member process

  1. The New Member process shall be held in the fall semester of each year.


  1. The New Member process is held each fall in order to create an opportunity, for those who have been accepted to do so, can join in brotherhood with current members.


  1. No first year students shall be allowed to go through this process.


  1. The New Member process shall follow the guidelines set by the Inter-Greek Senate.

  1. The New Member process shall adhere to all college policies.  


  1. The New Member process shall follow the guidelines of the Kappa Sigma Chi new member manual.


  1. No new member shall be caused mental or physical anguish, including “paddling” or forced consumption of any substance.  


  1. A new member may file a grievance at any time during the pledge period.  The grievance should state the violation of the New Member Bill of Rights and be turned into the Sergeant-At-Arms.  A meeting will then be called between the officers of the association and the new member to reach a resolution.   


  1. Cancelation of new membership can happen at any point during the New Member process without any fear of retribution on behalf of any members.  A new member can do this by notifying either Co-President.


  1. A new member can never be asked or forced to cancel one's’ new membership.


  1. The following quote was written in 1914 by the founding members of the fraternity and is read to each member of every new member class before any portion of the initiation process begins: “There is nothing in our ritual that will interfere with your religion, your duties to home, country, college, or any other fraternal organization with which you may be affiliated.”  Kappa Sigma Chi will never impose anything on those who are currently going through the new member process that is contradictory to their moral beliefs.  The initiation period is for the sole purpose of building communal bonds between future members, which will last a lifetime.  


  1. All state and local laws and Gustavus policies, where applicable, will be followed by the Kappa Sigma Chi fraternity.  


ARTICLE 10 – Alcohol and Drug Policy


  1. The fraternity in no way condones the use of alcohol by those not of legal drinking age.  


  1. No minors shall be allowed to possess or consume alcohol at any official Kappa Sigma Chi function.  At all functions there will be a designated doorman that will not consume alcohol.  It will also be his responsibility to clearly mark all persons of legal drinking age.  The doorman is also responsible to not allow any person who appears to have consumed, to possess an excessive amount of alcohol.  Finally, the doorman will not allow any person who has consumed alcohol to drive.


  1. No member of the fraternity shall drive while under the influence of alcohol, nor may a member knowingly allow a person to drive after consuming alcoholic beverages.  


  1. No fraternity funds will be used towards the purchase of alcohol.  


  1. All state and local laws and Gustavus policies, where applicable, will be followed by the Kappa Sigma Chi fraternity.


  1. The fraternity does not condone the use of controlled substances by any member.  


ARTICLE 11– Community Responsibility


  1. The fraternity has a responsibility to promote a positive self-image to the community around it.


  1. Community Service projects will be decided by the community service committee.


  1. Each member is responsible to volunteer for a minimum number of hours as decided by the community service committee.


  1. The members of this fraternity do not in any way consider themselves exempt from the laws of the college, the community, or the nation.


  1. Kappa Sigma Chi does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, creed, national origin, religion, or sexual preference.  Nor do we condone the actions of those that do.  


  1. This fraternity does not condone the unfounded malicious slander of any group for any reason, by any of its members.  


ARTICLE 12 – Amendments


  1. To make an amendment to the Constitution of Kappa Sigma Chi a proposal must be brought before the Fraternity by an active member of the chapter.

  1. To open discussion on the proposal there must be a second. If seconded and discussion is held, the Fraternity then votes to consider the proposal and must receive a simple majority vote.


  1. If the consideration is passed, the chapter tables it for reflection until the next weekly chapter meeting.


  1. The official language of the proposal must be written in this week by the proposer in conjunction with the Secretary.


  1. It will then be brought to the next meeting to discuss wording and meaning of the amendment. After discussion, the actives will vote and a two-thirds vote is need to pass a new amendment.



Rule 1 — No question shall be stated unless moved by two members nor be open for consideration unless stated by the president.  When the question is before the meeting no motion shall be received, except to lay on the table the previous question, to postpone or refer to amend, and they shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged.


Rule 2 — No person shall be allowed to speak on a question before he has been recognized by the chair.  Should more than one-member rise at the same time the chair shall determine who is entitled to the floor.   


Rule 3 — The co-president while presiding shall state every question coming before the fraternity and before putting it to vote shall ask, “Are you ready for the final vote?”  Should no member rise to speak, he shall rise to put the question; and after he has risen no member shall speak upon it except by the permission of the fraternity.  


Rule 4 — Every member shall have the opportunity of speaking two times on any question under consideration but not oftener by the consent of the association, determined by the vote, and no member shall speak more than once until every member wishing to speak shall have spoken.


Rule 5 — The affirmative and the negative having been put and answered, the president declares the number of legal votes cast and whether the affirmative or negative has it.  


Rule 6 — All questions unless otherwise provided for shall be decided by two-thirds total vote of all members.


Rule 7 — After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided any member may move for a reconsideration thereof if done before the end of the next business session, after the decision.  A second reconsideration is out of order.  

Rule 8 — Any two members may call for a division of a question when the same will admit it.


Rule 9 — The co-presidents or any member may call a member to order while speaking, when the debate must be suspended and the member take his seat until the question of order is decided.


Rule 10 — The co-presidents shall preserve order and decorum; may speak to points of order in preference to other members; and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the association by any member, on which appeal no person shall speak but the president and the member called to order.  


Rule 11 — No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted as an amendment.  


Rule 12 — No addition, alteration or amendment to the constitution and by-laws shall be acted upon except in accordance with the constitution.


Rule 13 — The co-presidents and the secretary shall sign the proceedings of all the meetings.


Rule 14 — No member shall vote by proxy.


Rule 15 — No motion shall be withdrawn by the mover unless the seconder withdraws his second.


Rule 16 — Every motion shall be reduced to writing, should a member desire it.  


Rule 17 — Members not present for voting shall be considered as abstaining from the vote.


Rule 18 — Any member offering a protest against any of the proceedings of this organization may have the same if in respectful language entered in full upon the minutes.  


Rule 19 — No subject laid upon the table shall be taken up for consideration again on the same evening.  


Rule 20 — No motion shall be debatable until seconded.


Rule 21 — Points of order are debatable by this association.  


Rule 22 — Appeals and motions to reconsider or adjourn are not debatable.  


Rule 23 — Every officer on leaving his office shall give to his successor all papers, documents, books or money belonging to the association.


Rule 24—Fines.  


  1. Absolute privacy concerning business proceedings is required of all.  Members violating this rule shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars and a Judicial Board hearing.


  1. All unexcused absence from the regular meetings of the fraternity shall be punishable by a fine of five dollars.  


  1. Unexcused tardiness shall be punishable by a fine of one dollar.


  1. A fine of not more than five dollars may be imposed for neglect of duty by the association.


  1. Personal conduct violations that reflect in a negative manner on the fraternity shall be punishable by a fine of five dollars and a Judicial Board hearing.


Rule 25 — No alteration can be made in these rules without a two-thirds majority vote of the fraternity and two weeks’ notice; and neither can they be suspended for the evening but with a like vote.


Rule 26 — No officer or member of the fraternity shall have the power to excuse any member for non-fulfillment of duty, but the fraternity may at any time do so by granting a petition for excuse by a majority vote of the members present.  


Rule 27 — Absence for the institution not in excess of two years shall not invalidate membership in this organization.


Rule 28 — Excuses of non-fulfillment of duty shall not be considered by the association unless presented in writing and if presented at the meeting specified for the consideration of said offenses.  


Rule 29 — No member shall exclude any information involving fraternity matters when addressing another active member.

Rule 30 — There shall be a Corporal selected by Sergeant-At-Arms to confirm the values of the Fraternity are upheld during the New Member process. The duty of the Corporal is to ensure the ethical justifications of all proceedings during pledge including planning, implementation, and execution. He is prohibited to directly facilitate any pledge activity in order to prevent any conflict of interest. The Corporal will report directly to the Sergeant-At-Arms on all matters.  

Read Full Constitution