Student OrgsBig Hill Farm

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
Big Hill Farm is a student organization that strives to educate the Gustavus community about local food production, food justice, gardening techniques, and plant care. We recognize that agriculture is a highly intersectional topic with a host of opportunities for student involvement. In understanding that local food production is a form of climate action, we aim to further integrate the community into a mindset of sustainability that applies both on campus and beyond.
We have no external affiliation.
Application Type

Article I: Name. The organization intentionally matches the name of the on-campus student farm, Big Hill Farm which was established by environmental studies students in 2009.  Article 2: Purpose. The purpose of the organization is to engage members of the Gustavus community in efforts of local food production and educate students about the highly intersectional nature of agriculture. Organization leaders intend to provide various opportunities for educational engagement with hands on experience on the farm as well as opportunities to learn from speakers, workshops, and neighboring farms. Recognizing that local food production is a form of climate action, Big Hill Farm will also seek to emphasize food justice as a main topic of discussion. Regardless of prior knowledge, Big Hill Farm will always provide an opportunity for engagement and does not discriminate based on background or experience.  Article 3: Membership. Any and all Gustavus students are welcome to participate in the organization regardless of desired commitment. Members who consistently show up to bi-weekly meetings and engage with events may begin to accrue heightened status and leadership roles, but nobody will be turned away. Article 4: Officers. Primarily, summer interns who wish to continue being engaged into the academic year will be tasked with running the organization. Generally, this will be two or three interns with two co-presidents and a logistics manager. Due to the rollover from summer employment, an election process will not be necessary in determining officers. If no Big Hill Farm employees are willing to run the organization, other members may volunteer to fill these positions. Article 5: Finances. Finances will be completed by the logistics manager who will maintain contact with the faculty supervisor regarding any purchases or budgeting decisions. Big Hill Farm will pursue student senate funds as its primary source of funding during the academic year. Article 6: Amendments. Amendments to this constitution will be made at the discretion of officers serving in a heightened leadership role. 

Read Full Constitution