Student OrgsGustavus Jazz Club

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
The Gustavus Jazz Club is established by a selection of jazz students to promote the professional development of fellow jazz students. This objective is to be achieved through the acceptance of students in years freshman-senior and staff who are interested in jazz. The Gustavus Jazz Club strives to provide an education supplementary to the current curriculum at Gustavus Adolphus College. This will be achieved through guest artists, forums, reading in common, jam sessions, and community involvement with local jazz artists and the executive board.
Application Type
Special Interest

Gustavus Jazz Club

ARTICLE I. Name and Purpose


The name of this organization shall be the Gustavus Jazz Club.

SECTION 2. Purpose

The Gustavus Jazz Club is established by a selection of jazz students to promote the professional development of fellow jazz students and the enjoyment of jazz music. This objective is to be achieved through the acceptance of students in years freshman-senior and staff who are interested in jazz. The Gustavus Jazz Club strives to provide an education supplementary to the current curriculum at Gustavus Adolphus College. This will be achieved through guest artists, forums, reading in common, and community involvement with local jazz artists and the executive board. 


SECTION 1. Officers

The student officers of each chapter shall be two co-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, an event coordinator and a social media manager who shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. Co-presidents shall be elected after serving one or more years on the board. Members of the Executive Board shall commit to learning and knowing how the board will be run through experience. 

SECTION 2.  Faculty Advisor(s)

Our chapter must have at least one Jazz Club faculty advisor. Dr. Dave Stamps and Dr. Masayoshi Ishikawa shall be the advisors for the Gustavus Jazz club. 

ARTICLE III. Membership

SECTION 1. Eligibility

The Gustavus Jazz Club prides itself on welcoming any student or staff member to be a part of the organization. Involvement in a jazz ensemble at Gustavus is encouraged, but not required. Any student or staff member that is interested in jazz music can be involved in the Gustavus Jazz Club.

SECTION 2. Renewed Membership

Each year the members of the Gustavus Jazz Club shall be renewed by the process of reaching out to the board members and showing interest in being involved in said club. No application process required.

SECTION 3. Executive Board

Members interested in the Executive Board position of secretary must submit an application. There will be a formal vote through a Google Poll. This role will be made available to all students at the beginning of every academic year.

SECTION 4. Executive Board Openings

Should a current board member choose to resign from their position, the position shall open for anyone that should choose to apply.

ARTICLE IV. Fees, Dues, Fiscal Year

SECTION 1. Membership Fee

Before admission, each candidate shall pay to the Gustavus Jazz Club through its chapter treasurer a membership fee as established by the Gustavus Jazz Club Executive Board ($20.00, 2020). The membership fee must be renewed annually at the first chapter business meeting of the school year. Deadline for submitting fees is the Thanksgiving Break of each school year.

SECTION 2. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the organization shall be from September 1 to June 10.

ARTICLE V. Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the Gustavus Jazz Club, the assets of the organization shall be deposited into the general jazz department fund.

ARTICLE VI. Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths favorable vote of the Gustavus Jazz Club Executive Board.


SECTION 1. Meeting Frequency

Our chapter shall have at least two board meetings and two general meetings per month on a weekly rotation.

SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the co-presidents or faculty advisor(s) at any time, and shall be so called at the written request of any four members of the chapter. Notice of such meetings shall be given to each chapter member at least one week in advance of the meeting.

SECTION 3. The order of business at a board meeting may be as follows:

  1. Call to order
  2. General announcements/reminders
  3. Committee Reports
  4. Unfinished business
  5. New business
  6. Adjournment

SECTION 4. The order of business at a general meeting may be as follows: 

  1. Call to order 
  2. General announcements/reminders 
  3. Upcoming events 
  4. Open discussions 
  5. Adjournment
Read Full Constitution