Kendall Center Staff
Pamela Conners Director
As a teacher and a scholar, I value rhetoric’s potential to inspire civic engagement and advance a more just community. Through the development of writing, speaking, and listening, I believe we help… (continue reading)
Cathy Blaukat Administrative Coordinator
I grew up in Mankato, Minnesota and earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Mankato State University, Mankato. A few years later, while working as a graduate student, I earned my Master's… (continue reading)
Kate Knutson (Stenger)Faculty Associate for Teaching and Advising
One of my very first political memories involves standing and waving on the side of the road next to giant cut out letters of a candidate's name on Election Day in Mt. View, Hawai'i. I was about five… (continue reading)
Maddalena Marinari Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Faculty Associate
Dr. Marinari teaches a broad range of courses on twentieth-century U.S. history, immigration history, American identity, U.S. in the world, and world history. In the classroom, she seeks to empower students… (continue reading)