Teachers Talking
The Kendall Center has a long tradition of sponsoring the Teachers Talking program featuring lunchtime presentations around topics of interest to faculty. With all the curricular changes underway and, in particular, the change to the scheduling grid, we are experimenting with a new model this year. Our goal with this experiment is to foster deeper connections between faculty while providing opportunities for intentional and personalized pedagogical development. Ultimately, we hope to facilitate teachers talking to each other in order to draw upon the wealth of expertise we have here on campus.
Spring 2025 Teachers Talking
In the fall, we experimented with a different model for Teachers Talking in response to the change in the scheduling grid. Based on some feedback from that experiment, we’re shifting gears a little for spring 2025 to bring back large group Teachers Talking. There won’t be a formal presentation; just an opportunity for faculty to gather over lunch to talk about topics that matter in our work as teachers. Join us for free lunch and conversation with colleagues.
Assessing Student Engagement and Learning
Tuesday, February 11 or Wednesday, February 12, 11:45-1:00 in the Heritage Room
Join colleagues for an unstructured discussion of what we learned from the 2024 National Survey of Student Engagement. Grab your lunch at the Buffet and join us in the Heritage Room for conversation.
Un-grading and Alternative Grading
Tuesday, March 25 or Wednesday, March 26, 11:45-1:00
Join colleagues for an unstructured discussion of upgrading and alternative grading approaches. Whether you are an experienced un-grader or just interested in learning more, you are welcome. On Tuesday, stop in the President’s Dining Room to pick up a ticket for the Marketplace. On Wednesday, grab your lunch at the Buffet and join us in the Heritage Room for conversation.
We will continue to offer meal tickets for faculty who wish to participate in the Teaching Observation or Teaching Exchange opportunities.
Throughout the 2024-25 academic year, faculty are invited to participate in two different Teachers Talking options. These options are strictly non-evaluative; their purpose is to help develop and refine pedagogical skills through feedback. While it is tempting to invite colleagues you already know well, we encourage you to consider using this opportunity to build connections with new or unfamiliar colleagues. We especially hope that you will connect with faculty outside of your department or program or outside your division.
This program is open to all full time faculty members.
Option 1: Teaching Observation
Identify a colleague (we can match you with someone if you prefer). Schedule a time to watch each other teach (observation questions provided by the Kendall Center). Discuss the observation over lunch or coffee (meal tickets provided by the Kendall Center).
Option 2: Teaching Exchange
Identify 1-3 colleagues you would like to meet with to talk about some specific element of teaching (i.e. syllabus design, assignment design, leading discussions, inclusive teaching practices, universal design, ungrading, Community-based learning, teaching with or responding to AI, etc.) or we can match you with someone/a group if you prefer. Schedule a time to meet for lunch or coffee (meal tickets provided by the Kendall Center). We encourage you to exchange assignments/syllabi/lesson plans ahead of time to review and discuss.