Summer Housing

Summer Housing Request Form 2025

Summer housing is traditionally offered in Chapel View and College View over the summer (buildings/units available may vary and are subject to change as dictated by Facilities/maintenance needs).

To qualify for summer housing, you must be a current Gustavus student, and if we have more applicants than we have summer housing spaces, priority is given to those meeting one (or more) of the following criteria:

  • Conducting research at Gustavus: You must list your supervisor(s) on the application form and your information will be verified with the Research and Sponsored programs office. 
  • Enrolled for course credit at Gustavus.
  • Enrolled in an internship for credit through Gustavus: Internships can be on- or off-campus. 
  • Working at an on-campus job: We require that you are working at least 20 hours per week (multiple jobs that add up to 20 hours is acceptable). 
  • International students: those who require year-round housing due to international travel ability or visa status.

Summer housing applications will be approved on a space-available basis, with priority given to those taking a class, participating in research, or employed on campus during the summer. Housing will be assigned based on roommate requests, dates needed, spring/fall room assignments, and other logistical considerations. We are not able to guarantee students a certain housing option, as we only have 2 buildings available (and do not have access to all units in those buildings for summer housing). Those assigned a summer housing space will be billed for the full date range requested, or a $100 placement fee for no-shows/late cancellations due to the space having been held for you.

How do I sign-up for summer housing?

You will need to complete a Summer Housing Application Form prior to the deadline and be approved by Residential Life.

Where will I live?
  • Commencement - May 16: Your current Spring housing assignment
    • Exception: North Hall will be closed as of May-August. Current North residents will need to move to a temporary housing assignment at the end of the Spring semester (or directly to a summer assignment space if one can be ready).
  • May 16 - August 1, 2025: Summer Housing Assignment: Chapel View Townhomes (four people, four bedrooms) or College View Apartments (four people, two bedrooms) per unit; assignments will be based on space available/number of applicants/Spring/Fall Housing assignments.
    • *Students may need to move earlier/later depending on their Spring assignment and placement.
    • Graduating Seniors/any students in summer housing who are not returning to a Fall housing assignment must depart their summer housing by/on Friday, August 1, 2025.
  • August 1 - 12, 2025 - Summer resident moves to Fall assignments: Summer residents will receive instructions about moving into their Fall 2025 assignment based on building/room. Move dates will vary based on the Summer Programs schedule (last booked camp) and the Facilities cleaning/maintenance timeline. You should be prepared to move as of August 1st but will receive a more detailed notice by building of when we would hope your room would be ready.
    • Move dates are subject to change and may vary based on Spring/Fall housing assignments, or needs of Building Services/Facilities/Summer Programs.

North Hall will be closed for Summer 2025. Any residents will be asked to move to temporary or summer housing prior to Commencement.

What do I do between finals and the start date for summer housing?

Those who are not remaining on campus through Commencement and the Summer move-around period must fully move out of their Spring assignment and return their room keys/checkout envelope to Residential Life according to the regular move-out schedule and process. If you have noted on your summer housing application that you will remain in your Spring assignment until move-in to Summer housing, you will need to proceed with this move the day your summer unit is available, and return your spring housing keys to the drop box by the next morning to confirm your check-out.

I'm leaving after finals and not coming back until the first weekend of June, can I just leave my stuff in my room and move to my summer hall that weekend?

No. Everything must be out of every room on campus by the summer housing move-in date so we can turn them over to Reunion Weekend/Summer Programs housing. Your belongings cannot stay in your room if you are not back for summer move-around days. We do not have storage for summer residents.

If I don’t need housing until later in the summer, how do I get keys?

You will pick up summer housing keys in the Residential Life Office on the day you have requested housing on your application. If you plan to arrive after 4:45pm or any other time the Office is closed, please make sure to contact our office 1-2 days ahead of time (507-933-7529) so that keys can be prepared and we can notify Campus Safety, who will assist you in getting your room keys. If you change your plans and wish to return on a different date than you requested, we will accommodate that on a space-available basis. Please notify our office as soon as you become aware of any changes. Note that cancellations are subject to a $100 summer placement fee.

What will it cost?
  • Summer housing billing period is any on-campus housing between May 15 and August 31.
  • The summer housing rate for 2025 is $400 per month ($100 per week) and reported to student accounts monthly - approximately June 1 for May charges, July 1 for June charges, August 1 for July charges, and September 1 for August charges. 
    • "After-finals Housing" is the period after-finals through May 14, 2025. If you will not need housing May 15 or after - please see the After-Finals housing request form.
    • "Summer Housing" is any on-campus housing between May 15, 2025 until the start of the Fall Semester (August 31, 2025). This would include living in your Spring residence until Summer move-around, then Summer Housing in designated units Chapel View or College View in June and July, and then the move to your Fall assignment in August. 
    • Any period a student has belongings in a room and/or the room key is included in a billing period - leaving campus does not remove the summer housing charge as the unit is still occupied with your belongings/unable to be used by another occupant. If you are leaving campus at the end of the Spring semester and returning later for Summer housing, you must fully move out of your Spring assignment and return your room key to check out of housing. Checkout envelopes are available outside the Residential Life office, Campus Center 105.
    • For housing for only part of summer, student accounts will be billed based on check-in and check-out dates, where any stay through Wednesday counts as a full housing week. Example: Housing from June 4-19 would be 2 weeks ($200) and processed will the June billing sent to accounts July 1.
    • Any arrivals on or after summer students move into their Fall assignments in August are considered 'early arrival' housing rather than Summer housing - please see that application process and note the nightly fee of $75 night charged to student account (or charged to the student's sponsoring department if required to return early).

NOTE: Even if you leave campus, Summer billing continues until you return your checkout envelope and room key to the Residential Life office as confirmation of your move out. Do not give your key to someone else to return - it will be your responsibility if it is not and summer housing rates/lost key charges are applied. We have a secure drop-box outside our office for key returns. We do not provide partial rates due to vacations, etc.

Why are certain dates set for moving into and out of summer housing?

During June, July, and the first week of August, residential housing and facilities are all used for Summer Programs and are under their purview. Time is needed for cleaning and transition before and after the 'Summer Programs' period. Residential Life and Building Service/Facilities work together for setting timelines of maintenance and cleaning of residential facilities. In order to make sure we don't defer important maintenance of Chapel View and College View, Custodians and the various Facilities staff need time to prepare to welcome students back in the fall. 

Do I get a discount if I am going on a family vacation or extended break from summer housing?

No. Ending of a billing period only occurs when the space is fully vacated and a checkout envelope and room key are returned to Residential Life. There are not discounts for weekends away, trips, etc; if the space is assigned to you, then the monthly billing will occur. If you have questions or a special circumstance, please contact our office with questions. 

I am required to be here for Athletics through the part of May, do I need to submit for Summer Housing?

No, you should submit an After-Finals Housing Request. If you are moving out of your Spring assignment late because you are required to be here for Athletics/Fine Arts, that would be an 'after-finals' housing a request and *not* a summer housing request. If you are staying through into June and beyond, you do need to submit for summer housing. If you aren't sure if your request would be 'after-finals' or 'summer', please just email with the a bit of info about your housing needs to receive clarification.

What about CFs?

Residential Life hires one Collegiate Fellow for each Summer Housing building for the summer, and they split duty coverage. They will have posted duty hours for emergencies and to be resources for you if you have concerns, and provide periodic summer programming. Campus Safety is reachable 24/7/365 at 507-933-8888 for urgent assistance needed outside of business/duty hours.


If you have any questions about summer housing please contact Residential Life at or by phone at 507-933-7529.