Carlos Mejia SuarezFaculty

"Digo esto para que los jóvenes insistan en lo que no comprenden, que vuelvan sobre lo que no entienden, porque al final los ojos se abrirán ante un mundo maravilloso" ["I say this so that young people insist in what they don't comprehend, so that they go over what they don't understand, for at the end their eyes will be open before a wonderful world." [José Lezama Lima. Paradiso]

As a scholar in Latin American literature and culture, and in literary studies, I have always followed these words that Cuban novelist José Lezama Lima uses to begin his novel… And even before I had read his work, I constantly faced what I could not understand with a spirit of curiosity and a desire to make sense of what unfolded before my eyes: years of violence, the heat of my hometown and the cool heights of the Andes where Bogotá sits… the words of the masters, the images on huge screens… reading Der Zauberberg and seeing myself in it as much as I could relate to Cien años de soledad. I wondered how dinosaurs could ever appear before my eyes in the big screen, and how someone could prompt the images in the news that showed the devastation of bombs, or rockets lighting the sky. Literature was the path that my curiosity took in order to find answers. I am equally passionate about communicating to others this desire to understand what is not clear at first glance.

I recently published Escrituras de lo diabólico. Retos de la alteridad en la literatura latinoamericana moderna y posmoderna. My research currently focuses on  Colombian contemporary narratives of violence and conflict, and representations of masculinities in Latin American literature (mainly focusing on Salvador Novo, Alonso Sánchez Baute, Fernando Molano Vargas, Tomás González, and Héctor Abad Faciolince). I also have published three short stories in different journals and sites from Latin America.

Click here to visit my website.

If you want to schedule a meeting to talk about LALACS, GWSS or the Spanish major and minor programs, feel free to schedule an appointment with me by clicking here to go to my google calendar.


I completed my undergraduate degree in Literary Studies at Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá, and did an M.A. in Latin American literature at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, as well. I obtained my PhD degree in Spanish at The University of Iowa in 2010.

Courses Taught

Synonym Title Times Taught Terms Taught
SPA-102 Hispanic World II 15 2023/FA, 2023/SP, 2018/FA, 2018/SP, 2017/SP, 2016/SP, 2015/FA, 2015/SP, 2014/FA, and 2013/FA
SPA-250 Neg Diff Hispanic Wld 8 2017/FA, 2017/SP, 2016/FA, 2016/SP, 2014/FA, and 2014/SP
SPA-280 Lit., Film & Society 6 2024/SP, 2022/SP, 2021/FA, 2021/SP, and 2019/SP
SPA-322 Lit Cities of Latin Am 6 2023/FA, 2021/FA, 2020/FA, 2017/FA, 2015/FA, and 2013/FA
LAS-399 LALACS Senior Capstone 5 2024/SP, 2023/SP, 2022/SP, 2021/SP, and 2019/SP
FTS-100 FTS:War on Drugs-Lit 5 2023/FA, 2022/FA, 2020/FA, 2016/FA, and 2015/FA
CUR-250 Literary Experience 3 2019/SP, 2018/SP, and 2017/SP
SPA-320 Latin Am Culture 3 2018/FA and 2014/FA
SPA-344 ST:Armed Conflict LA Lit 2 2019/SP and 2015/SP
NDL-213 War on Drugs Stories 2 2016/JN and 2015/JN
SPA-376 Peace/Conflict Latin America 1 2024/FA
SPA-254 Hispanic Fantasy & Horror 1 2024/FA
MLC-298 Chal Sem:Challenges/Latin Ame 1 2024/SP
PCS-391 IS:Playwriting for Peace 1 2024/SP
MLC-255 Lat.Am Spain Challenges 1 2023/SP
PCS-211 Introduction to Peace Studies 1 2022/SP
SPA-101 Hispanic World I 1 2022/SP
SPA-099 Global Lang Portfolio 1 2019/SP
SPA-225 Lang/Service in Spain 1 2019/JN
PCS-119 Colombian War & Peace 1 2018/JN
PCS-220 PostConflict Lit/Film 1 2017/JN
SPA-103 Hispanic World III 1 2014/SP