Faculty Development: 2005 Summer Workshop

2005 Bush Summer Teaching and Learning Workshop
"Teaching Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Values"

This summer workshop offers faculty an opportunity to engage in substantive conversation with colleagues about teaching, with a specific focus on teaching ethics, social responsibility, and values.

As Michael Boylan and James A. Donahue suggest in Ethics Across the Curriculum, colleges and universities are "dynamic institutions" and the "learning that takes place there must reflect the shifting and changing context of our world" (4).

"Every academic discipline has internalized understandings of the good," Boylan and Donahue argue. There are a set of values that operate in any field of inquiry, ased on ideas about the way things work, the values that operate among people in human interaction, or the way that knowledge is derived. Each discipline has a moral worldview implicit in the way that disciplines are organized and constructed, how inquiry is framed, and how evidence is interpreted. (14).

The Summer Teaching and Learning Workshop is an opportunity to learn about, reflect upon, develop, and practice pedagogy suited to issues of ethics, social responsibility, and values and an opportunity to work with faculty who are passionate about being effective teachers.

Guest facilitator: Barbara Patterson, Emory University.

Gustavus Adolphus Faculty Participants

Florence Amamoto, English
Aaron Banks, Health & Exercise Science
Elizabeth Baer, English
Priscilla Briggs, Art & Art History
Eric Carlson, History
Mary Gaebler, Religion
Deborah Goodwin, Religion
Steve Griffith, Theatre & Dance
Jeanne Herman, Health & Exercise Science
Bruce Johnson, Economics & Management
June Kloubec, Health & Exercise Science
Paschal Kyoore, Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
John Mattson, Health & Exercise Science
Terry Morrow, Communication Studies
Debra Pitton, Education
David Rudek, Psychology
Phillip Voight, Communication Studies