Kendall Center NewsletterNovember 1, 2022
Innovative Teaching Awards
The John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning and the Provost’s Office would like to recognize faculty who are engaged in innovative teaching (e.g., new uses of instructional technology, new ways to engage students in the learning process, new approaches to student collaboration, or new methods for improving student learning outcomes) and to encourage the dissemination of effective practices by sharing promising innovations with faculty more broadly. Therefore, we offer 2 Innovative Teaching Awards -- one that recognizes innovations at the Course or Curricular level ($1000 prize) and a second that recognizes innovative Assignments ($500 prize). Completed nominations should not exceed 2 pages and should be emailed to Please visit the Kendall Center website or the flyer for more information. Deadline to apply is Friday, November 4.
New Faculty Orientation Session: Evaluations by Colleagues
Join us on Thursday, November 3 at 12:30 p.m. for a New Faculty Orientation Session. Topic: Evaluations by Colleagues. In collaboration with the Provost’s Office, a discussion about the procedure and potential approaches associated with evaluations. What might you share with your evaluator prior to the class period, how to inform your class, the criteria and areas that Chairs are asked to evaluate, post-evaluation feedback. Facilitator: Pamela Conners, Dean of Faculty Development, Director of the Kendall Center, and Professor & Chair of Communication Studies Grab your lunch coupon from David Stamps and then head over to the St Peter Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m.
Faculty Shop Talk - Rebecca Fremo
Rebecca Fremo (Professor, English) will present a Faculty Shop Talk on Friday, November 4. Her talk "Hardiness Zones: Reading from A Memoir in Progress" will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed on the Kendall Center website.
New Faculty Orientation Session: On-campus Grant Opportunities
Join us on Thursday, November 10 at 12:30 p.m. for a New Faculty Orientation Session. Topic: On-campus Grant Opportunities. Learn about internal and external grant opportunities: scope of each grant, timing, budgets, and how to apply. Facilitators: Sarah Bridges, Associate Provost and Dean of Research and Strategic Initiatives and Director of Research and Sponsored Programs; Megan Fillbrandt, Assistant Director of Research and Sponsored Programs. Grab your marketplace coupon from David Stamps and then head over to the St Peter Room.
Teachers Talking: Challenge Seminar: Questions and Answers
Please join us on Friday, November 11 for Teachers Talking. Topic: Challenge Seminar: Questions and Answers. What is teaching a Challenge Seminar like? When should students take Challenge Seminars? What role do Challenge Seminars play in our General Education curriculum as a whole? Whether you have already taught a Challenge Seminar, plan to teach one in the future or just curious, please join Challenge Seminar Program director Laura Burrack for an informal discussion focused on Challenge Seminars. She will share and answer some commonly asked questions, and there will be lots of time for audience questions too. Program is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30pm. Free lunch (Marketplace coupons), then meet in the St Peter Room. For a full list of sessions please visit the Kendall Center webpage under Teachers Talking.
Creative Writing Retreats in November
Locate your sources, charge your batteries, and sharpen your pencils! The Kendall Center will host a series of monthly writing retreats aimed toward new faculty, but all faculty are welcome. Interested faculty can sign up for a full day – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - devoted to writing in the Konfersrum on November 13 and 20. We’ll provide lunch, you provide the inspiration. Please visit the Kendall Center website for upcoming dates. To sign up and get a coupon for free lunch at Marketplace, please email Cathy Blaukat (
Faculty Shop Talk - Kathy Lund Dean
Kathy Lund Dean (Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Ethics and Professor of Management in Economics and Management) will present a Faculty Shop Talk on Friday, November 18. Her talk "Not even trying” to be innovative? Network ties and homophily in management research leadership" will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed on the Kendall Center website.
Responding to Racially Tense Situations in the Classroom by Stephanie Gandy
Please join us for a special presentation from Stephanie Gandy on Friday, November 18 from Noon to 2 p.m. Topic: Responding to Racially Tense Situations in the Classroom by Stephanie Gandy. This presentation/workshop highlights some foundational tools in preparing instructors and students to positively and effectively interact with tense racial interactions in the classroom. Ms. Gandy will first focus on classroom climate and recognizing privilege, power, and oppression in the classroom. She will follow with how to maintain a safe environment for those most susceptible to harm, and how to gain skills in fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom. Free lunch - grab your marketplace coupon and then head over to the Three Crowns Room.
Faculty Writing Retreats at Gustavus and ASI
The Kendall Center is hosting monthly Writing Retreats at Gustavus and at American Swedish Institute (ASI). November Writing Retreats will be held on Saturday, November 12 at American Swedish Institute, Mpls ($15 toward lunch)and at Gustavus (Konferensrum). Faculty can participate in a full day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. devoted to writing. We’ll provide lunch. Please visit the Kendall Center website for upcoming dates. Please email Cathy Blaukat ( to sign up.
New Faculty Development Resource - National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)
Gustavus is now an institutional member of the National Council for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), which provides every faculty member with free access to a full suite of online faculty resources in four key areas: individual strategic planning, explosive productivity, healthy relationships, and work-life balance. Visit to set up your individual account and explore their on-demand curriculum, get paired with a faculty partner at another institution, join a writing community, and much more.
Kendall Center Google Calendar
Stays updated on all the events and info on the Kendall Center Google calendar.