Kendall Center NewsletterAugust 1, 2022
What's new in the Kendall Center
After a year as the Kendall Center Director, we say good bye and a huge thank you to Ruth Lin! The new Kendall Center DIrector is Pamela Conners. Continuing Faculty Associates include Patricia English and Dan Moos as the Excellence in Teaching Faculty Associates, David Stamps as the New Faculty Programming Faculty Associate, Esther Wang as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Faculty Associate, and Martin Lang remains the Community Engaged Learning Faculty Associate.
August Camp Kendall Sessions
There is still time to sign up for August sessions. Participants will receive a $200 stipend for a full day workshop and a $100 stipend for a half-day session. Email Cathy Blaukat with your preferences. Please check the Summer Workshop page on our website HERE.
New tenure track faculty welcome lunch
The new tenure track faculty welcome lunch is scheduled for Monday, August 29th from 12:00-2:30 p.m. in the St. Peter Room (Jackson Campus Center). The President, Provost, and other Vice Presidents will be in attendance to welcome you to the College. There will also be allocated time for first and second year tenure track faculty to talk about life/work at Gustavus. Your attendance is expected.
New Faculty Orientation Day
New Faculty Orientation Day is on Tuesday, August 30th from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Heritage/St. Peter Room, Jackson Campus Center. Coffee and pastries, lunch, and a reception will be provided.
Faculty Development Day
After more than a year of seeing the majority of your colleagues on screen, the Kendall Center for Engaged Learning invites the faculty to an in-person lunch on Wednesday August 31st from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Heritage Room.
Sabbatical Re-Entry Lunch
There will be a lunch and meeting for those faculty returning from Sabbatical on Friday, September 2 from Noon to 2 p.m. in the St Peter Room.
Faculty Social
All faculty are invited to the Faculty Social on Friday, September 9 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the President's Dining Room (PDR). Refreshments provided.
Nobel Conference FREE Book for Faculty
The Kendall Center is pleased to offer faculty and staff the book, The Vanishing Half, in connection to this fall's Nobel Conference. The Vanishing Half is a story about identity, race, discrimination and the long-term effects of trauma. Estelle and Desiree are light-skinned Black identical twins growing up in a small Southern town. They run away from home as teenagers to escape the limitations of their upbringing and the trauma they experienced. As they grow older, Desiree returns to her home with a daughter much darker skinned than herself and Estelle passes for White, leaving her Black identity behind. Their differing responses to their identities lead them to different communities, relationships and opportunities. The story of the twins and the intersection of the lives of their young adult daughters reveal the impact that White privilege has on these women who look the same but have taken different life paths. Email Cathy Blaukat ( and a copy will be placed in your campus mailbox.
If you didnt' receive a 2022-2023 Kendall Center printed calendar in your campus mail box or would like another one, please send an email request to Cathy Blaukat and one will be placed in campus mail for you!