Kendall Center NewsletterJune 1, 2021

What's new in the Kendall Center

After three years as the Kendall Center Director, we say good bye and a huge thank you to Matt Panciera. The new Kendall Center DIrector is Ruth Lin. Pamela Conners will be the new Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Faculty Associate. Patricia English and Dan Moos are the new Excellence in Teaching Faculty Associates. David Stamps is the new New Faculty Programming Faculty Associate. Esther Wang is the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Faculty Associate and Martin Lang remains the Community Engaged Learning Faculty Associate. Welcome!

Kendall Center Survey

To better help the Kendall Center for Engaged Learning fulfil its mission of supporting faculty in achieving their potential as teachers and scholars, please take 5 minutes to fill out this survey concerning KCEL's resources, programming, and future programming. Thank you!

Camp Kendall Summer Workshops

There is still time to participate in some Camp Kendall Summer sessions. Click here for the list of current sessions and here for recently advertised sessions. If you are interested in participating, please email Cathy Blaukat for session availability.

Faculty Shop Talk - Presenters Needed

It is time to put together the Shop Talk schedule for next year. Those currently on the Shop Talk waiting list will be contacted for their preference of presentation dates. If you would like to present a Shop Talk next year or in the future, please contact Cathy Blaukat so that your name can be added to the list of future presenters. Remember, any type of research, scholarship, or creativity is appropriate for presentation at a Shop Talk as long as the majority of what is presented represents the presenter’s own work. Work in progress presentations are fine. Thank you for your support of the Shop Talk series, both past and present.

New Faculty Orientation Day

Tuesday, August 31, 2021 - in person

Faculty Development Day

Wednesday Sept 1st, 2021 - in person

Faculty Social

Friday, September 10, 2021 - in person at the Interpretive Center 4 pm