Kendall Center NewsletterOctober 1, 2020
New Kendall Center Faculty Associate
Faculty Associate for Community Engaged Learning
We are pleased to announce that Martin Lang (Communication Studies) has accepted a three-year appointment as Kendall Center Faculty Associate (KCEL-FA) for Community Engaged Learning (CEL). This FA will serve as a resource to faculty with information about the various approaches, opportunities, and advantages to using community engaged learning in their courses. Please reach out to Martin at ( to schedule a conversation to learn more about CEL and this role.
Teaching Discussions
Thursday, October 1 – 8:30am
Throughout this term we are delivering our course content and connecting with our students in all different ways – in person, online, hybrid, or with some students in person and others online. Join colleagues at one of the following times for informal discussions of the multiple ways we are teaching, what's working and what's not and how we can support each other or problem solve together!
Zoom link:
Teachers Talking
How's the Writing (and Responding)?
Join Eric Vrooman (Writing Center) and Becky Fremo (Writing Across the Curriculum) as they share insider tips from the Writing Center tutors about how to provide useful feedback to your writers this semester. Bring your questions and share your experiences using various methods of feedback, including online comments, audio/video messages or screencasts, rubrics, or other methods.
Join us for further discussion during synchronous sessions:
Session 1: Thursday, October 8 3:00-3:50
Session 2: Friday, October 9 12- 12:50
Teachers Talking should be both informative and social! As such, everyone that joins the synchronous sessions will receive a voucher for coffee (or other beverage of your choice) on campus. Invite a colleague for a socially distanced coffee to discuss teaching and learning or save it for a treat when you return to campus!
New Faculty Orientation Sessions
Please join us on Thursday October 1, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. for a virtual new faculty session. Grading: Policies and Rubrics with Sarah Rubles. How might we grade assignments strategically? We can save time while giving students valuable feedback. We will also discuss the nuts and bolts of grading policies in general. A variety of assignment types are discussed.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 9114 0906
Passcode: CWmc5zrH
October 13, 2020 (Tuesday)
Course Evaluations
A discussion of effective methods for evaluating your courses and getting information that can be used to improve teaching and learning. We focus on end of the semester summative as well as mid-semester formative evaluations.
Meeting ID: 868 4897 6749 Passcode: p$#m1PBW
October 29, 2020
Evaluations by Colleagues
In collaboration with the Provost’s Office– a discussion about the procedure and potential approaches associated with evaluations. What might you share with your evaluator prior to the class period, how to inform your class, the criteria and areas that Chairs are asked to evaluate, post-evaluation feedback.
Meeting ID: 874 2867 1776 Passcode: Hp45mc.9
Innovative Teaching Award
The John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning and the Provost’s Office would like to recognize faculty who are engaged in innovative teaching (e.g., new uses of instructional technology, new ways to engage students in the learning process, new approaches to student collaboration, or new methods for improving student learning outcomes) and to encourage the dissemination of effective practices by sharing promising innovations with faculty more broadly. Therefore, we offer 2 Innovative Teaching Awards -- one that recognizes innovations at the Course or Curricular level ($1000 prize) and a second that recognizes innovative Assignments ($500 prize). Please visit the Kendall Center website for more information.
New Faculty Scholarship Showcase
October 20, 2020
Annalise Rivas, Modern Languages/Russian
"And the Oskar Goes To...."
Students often are eager to explore the films that feature the foreign language they study, but get stuck when deciding what films are worth their time. This presentation explores a pilot project teaching Russian/Soviet Academy Award-winning films in Intermediate-level Russian classrooms.
Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Publication
The 2018-2019 Faculty Achievements Publication is finished. A hard copy of the publication has been sent to each department. It is also available to view and download on the Kendall Center webpage.
Kendall Center Calendar
If you didn't receive a Kendall Center calendar in your post office box and would like one, please send an email to Cathy Blaukat and one will be sent to you via campus mail.
Reading in Common Book
The Reading in Common book for this year is "Mom's Cancer" and you can find it online here.