Kendall Center NewsletterSeptember 1, 2020

Teachers Talking

The first Teachers Talking of the year will be on "Demystifying the Course Approval Process" presented by Dean Valerie Banschbach, Kate Knutson, and Hayley Russell. This session will include asynchronous videos on the course submission process, J-Term, and the CAPSUB review process and synchronous discussion via Zoom on Thursday, September 10 11:30-12:20 and Friday, September 11 10:30-11:20. Information to join the synchronous sessions will be available on Moodle.

New Faculty Orientation Sessions

All Sessions are Thursdays from 12:30 - 1:20 p.m.
Sessions will be held virtually this year untill further notice

September 17, 2020 
Checking‐in session
An open‐ended opportunity for new faculty to get to know each other, share their experiences in the first week, andhave questions answered in a supportive environment (e.g. J-term proposals are due the September 14th). What are your intentions for the semester and how might your goals be reached? 
September 24, 2020 
Honor code at Gustavus
This discussion provides new faculty with a shared understanding and application of the honor code at Gustavus. We will discuss faculty responsibilities, including providing definitions of what constitutes authorized aid for coursework and specifying the possible course penalties for violations of the Honor Code. An overview of the workings of the Honor Board system will be provided.

Teachers Talking on Nobel 2020

Are you trying to figure out how to best incorporate the Nobel Conference into your classes this fall and beyond? Are you curious about what the 2020 Nobel Conference will really look like now that we don't have a thousand visitors coming to campus? Join 2020 Nobel Conference co-chairs Laura Burrack and Dwight Stoll as well as the Nobel Conference director Lisa Heldke for a discussion of how the virtual conference content can synergize with your teaching. Information about Nobel 2020 is linked through the Teachers Talking Moodle page. Join us for synchronous discussions on Tuesday, September 22 at 3:00-3:50 pm or Friday, September 25 9:00 - 9:50 am
Zoom link:

New Faculty Scholarship Showcase

October 20, 2020
Annalise Rivas, Modern Languages/Russian
"And the Oskar Goes To...."
Students often are eager to explore the films that feature the foreign language they study, but get stuck when deciding what films are worth their time. This presentation explores a pilot project teaching Russian/Soviet Academy Award-winning films in Intermediate-level Russian classrooms.

Teaching Discussions

Monday, September 28 – 9am
Wednesday, September 30 – 2:00pm
Thursday, October 1 – 8:30am

Throughout this term we are delivering our course content and connecting with our students in all different ways – in person, online, hybrid, or with some students in person and others online. Join colleagues at one of the following times for informal discussions of the multiple ways we are teaching, what's working and what's not and how we can support each other or problem solve together!

Zoom link:

Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Publication

The 2018-2019 Faculty Achievements Publication is finished. A hard copy of the publication has been sent to each department. It is also available to view and download on the Kendall Center webpage.

Kendall Center Calendar

If you didn't receive a Kendall Center calendar in your post office box and would like one, please send an email to Cathy Blaukat and one will be sent to you via campus mail.

Reading in Common Book

The Reading in Common book for this year is "Mom's Cancer" and you can find it online here.