Kendall Center NewsletterJune 1, 2019

Camp Kendall

Camp Kendall will be held in the second week of June (after the FTS training in the first week). All sessions will take place in the Interpretive Center in the Gustavus arboretum. Each participant will receive a stipend of $150 for a full day session and $100 for a half day. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, in addition to any books and materials. The article-writing workshop, which meets periodically through the summer, will include a stipend of $150.

Please contact Cathy Blaukat ( to sign up for a workshop. It will be first come, first serve. Individuals can enroll in more than one workshop so long as everyone has a chance to attend at least one of their choosing. Therefore, if you do wish to sign up for more than one, please indicate to Cathy your choices by preference.

Reading in Common Book Giveaway

The first year reading in common book has been announced: While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change by M Jackson. To enable all faculty members to participate in the campus conversation, the Kendall Center is happy to announce that we will be offering a free book for any faculty member who would like one. Please email your request to Cathy Blaukat ( and a copy will be placed in campus mail for you.


Join the Kendall Center for Gradingfest in the Board Room from 9 am to 5 pm on Monday, May 27 and Tuesday, May 28. Fuel up on coffee and treats before heading back to your office to work or stay and enjoy the camaraderie of working alongside others.

Faculty Development Day

Faculty Development Day offers an opportunity to convene as a learning community to explore effective practices in teaching, scholarship, and creativity. Focusing on growth and community-building, the concurrent sessions provide faculty with concrete ideas they can incorporate into their classes, research, and workflow without making substantial changes and revisions to syllabi and calendars. Faculty Development Day provides a chance to connect with new colleagues across the college and with faculty one may not encounter on a daily basis during the semester. Please join us on Wednesday, August 28 beginning at 8:30 am thru lunch.