Kendall Center NewsletterMay 1, 2019
Reading in Common Book Giveaway
The first year reading in common book has been announced: While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change by M Jackson. To enable all faculty members to participate in the campus conversation, the Kendall Center is happy to announce that we will be offering a free book for any faculty member who would like one. Please email your request to Cathy Blaukat ( and a copy will be placed in campus mail for you.
Final Friday Faculty Social
All faculty are invited to the Final Friday Faculty Social on Friday, May 10 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Refreshments provided. Hosted by the John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning and the Office of the Provost.
Kendall Center Lunch Discussion - Understanding & Interrupting White Privilege
White Privilege describes advantages white people have relative to racialized people that has nothing to do with anything they have - or have not - done. The White Privilege Conference (WPC) offers an immersive, collaborative experience with the goal of empowering and equipping individuals to work for equity and justice through self- and social transformation. In March, eight Gustavus employees traveled to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to attend the WPC. Please come to hear about the WPC experience, access resources related to issues of white privilege, and talk about issues of privilege in the Gustavus Community. This event is open to all Gustavus Employees. Lunch provided. Tuesday, May 7, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Heritage Room.
Teachers Talking
Please join us on Wednesday, May 8 for Teachers Talking. Topic: Global Learning and J-Term. Approximately 60% of Gustavus students who study away do so during the January Interim term, which makes J-Term an important time to introduce students to global issues and concepts. This Teachers Talking session will focus on methods for integrating global learning and intercultural development theory into faculty-led study away courses—domestic and international—and strategies for helping students interact with their local hosts. In addition, this session will discuss employing strong intercultural student learning outcomes and using embedded assessment to gauge our progress. Program is at 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. Free lunch at Three Crowns buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room..
New Faculty Orientation Session
Join us on Thursday, May 9 for a New Faculty Orientation Session. Topic: Year in review and wrapping up the year. In this final session of the year, we can discuss outstanding questions or concerns, and we will celebrate your accomplishments. Faculty feedback about the orientation program also will be gathered. Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m
Kendall Center GustieR lunch session
Join fellow R-Gusties in exploring data sets using R! Work individually or with a group and end the session by sharing your progress. Both new and experienced R users are welcome. This is a great opportunity to meet other R users and help each other improve our skills. If you have a project that you are working on, then Bring Your Own Data (BYOD). Otherwise, folks can play around with a #TidyTuesday ( dataset for practice. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, May 22nd, from 11:30 - 1:20pm. Bring your laptop to the President’s Dining Room. There will be lunch passes available to use in the Marketplace. If you have questions, please contact Kyle Chambers ( Gusties will Shiny!
Join the Kendall Center for Gradingfest in the Board Room from 9 am to 5 pm on Monday, May 27 and Tuesday, May 28. Fuel up on coffee and treats before heading back to your office to work or stay and enjoy the camaraderie of working alongside others.