Kendall Center NewsletterJune 1, 2018
A BIG Thank you!
The Kendall Center sends a big thank you out to departing Kendall Center Faculty Assocites: Thia Cooper (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), Pamela Kittelson (New Faculty Programming), and Kyle Chambers (Excellence in Teaching). Your work and contributions are greatly appreciated!
The Kendall Center welcomes three new Faculty Associates - Amanda Nienow (New Faculty Programming), Maddalena Marinari (Excellence in Teaching), and Margaret Bloch Qazi (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). Blake Couey continues as Faculty Associate for Research, Scholoarship, and Creativity.
New Faculty Orientation Day
New Faculty Orientation Day will be held on Tuesday, August 28 from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Heritage Room.
Faculty Development Day
Faculty Development Day will be held on Wednesday, August 29th from 8:30 a.m. thru lunch in the Heritage Room.
Research, Scholarship, & Creativity Publication
The Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Publication 2016-2017 is now available on the Kendall Center website. If you would like a hard copy, please email Cathy Blaukat (cblaukat) and a copy will be placed in campus mail for you.
Kendall Center Writing Space
The Kendall Center Conference Room (Anderson 303) is available for faculty writing. The space is quiet, stocked with tea and coffee, and can be accessed with your faculty ID. A few Kendall Center research and teaching groups are meeting there, so check the calendar before coming over (