Kendall Center NewsletterFebruary 1, 2018

RSC and Presidential Grant Deadlines

The Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Grant deadline is Monday, Feb. 19. The Presidential Faculty-Student Collaboration Grant deadline is Monday, Feb. 26. Application forms and guidelines are available at Questions may be directed to FDC co-chairs Sheng Yang and Jessie Petricka or any member of the FDC.

Sabbatical Leave Deadline

The Sabbatical Leave deadline is Monday, March 12. Proposal forms and guidelines are available at Questions may be directed to FDC co-chairs Sheng Yang and Jessie Petricka or any member of the FDC.

The Chili and Dessert-Off and Beer Tasting Event!

All faculty and their families, please plan to attend the most tasty event of the year. What to do? Please make a dessert, pie, or cook up a pot of your favorite chili, enough to share. No time to cook? Come anyway, there is always plenty for all.The Cook-off will be held Friday, February 9 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. As usual, Schell's Brewery has graciously agreed to provide the beer; non-alcoholic beverages will also be available.

Faculty Writing Retreats at GAC and American Swedish Institute (ASI)

February Faculty Writing Retreats will be held on Saturday, February 24 at American Swedish Institute and on Saunday, February 25 at Gustavus (Board Room). Faculty can sign up for a full day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. devoted to writing. We’ll provide breakfast and lunch. Please visit the Kendall Center website for upcoming dates and info. The KCEL will reimburse no more than $10 per person per writing retreat at ASI. Please reserve a space with Cathy Blaukat ( for one or all of the writing retreats.

New Faculty Orientation Session

Join us on Thursday, February 15 for a New Faculty Orientation Session. Topic: Checking In and Setting Intentions. Share your reflections or questions over lunch about your experiences in the fall semester and/or during January. What was more difficult or odd than anticipated, or what was gratifying? What strategies or intentions do you have for the spring semester? Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the Heritage Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m.

Teachers Talking

Please join us on Tuesday, February 20 for Teachers Talking. Topic: Open Access Publishing facilitated by Barbara Fister. Scholars publish research so it can contribute to the ongoing conversations that refine what we think and what we know. To keep up, scholars want get their hands on published research, which can be difficult when it’s behind a paywall, particularly for those without an affiliation. We’ll discuss how to make your research more accessible to all through open access options, what to look out for when choosing where to publish, and how our disciplines are responding to the economic and cultural challenges of shifting from subscriptions and paywalls to new ways of making research public. Program 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. Free lunch Three Crowns buffet, Heritage Room.

New Faculty Orientation Session -- (Only includes Tenure Track Faculty and 2nd year Tenure Track)

Join us on Thursday, February 22 for a New Faculty Orientation Session (Only includes Tenure Track Faculty and 2nd year Tenure Track). Topic: Review processes at Gustavus. This discussion provides an overview of the first, third year and tenure review procedures at Gustavus, and confidentially addresses any questions you have about them. Presenters: Kathy Lund Dean and Beatrice Torres. Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m.

Faculty Shop Talk

David Obermiller (History) will present at Faculty Shop Talk on Friday, February 23. His talk "Why East Asia Matters: Economic Power, Environmental Degradation, and the Global Order" will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed here.

Teachers Talking Writing

Join colleagues on Wednesday, February 28 for Teachers Talking Writing. Topic: "A First Look at FTS / WRITI Assessment." Join Rebecca Fremo (WAC), Eric Vrooman (WC), Kate Knutson (FTS), and Assessment Director Sarah Ruble as they share initial findings from the FTS / WRITI assessment project. Members of the Writing Program Advisory Committee and others will be on hand to share their impressions from the data. Program at 11:30 am and again at 12:30 pm. Free lunch at Three Crowns buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room.

Kendall Center Writing Space

The Kendall Center Conference Room (Anderson 303) is available for faculty writing. The space is quiet, stocked with tea and coffee, and can be accessed with your faculty ID. A few Kendall Center research and teaching groups are meeting there, so check the calendar before coming over (