Kendall Center NewsletterJanuary 1, 2017

The Kendall Center has MOVED!  

Join us for an Open House!

The Kendall Center has moved into the new space in Anderson, Room 303. Please join us for an Open House to celebrate on Thursday, February 9 from 9:30 am to 12.  Come when you can.  Refreshments will be served. 

The Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Pie-Off
and Beer Tasting Event!

All faculty, please plan to attend the most tasty event of the year. What to do? Please make a dessert pie or cook up a pot of your favorite chili, enough to share. No time to cook? Come anyway, there always is plenty for all.The Cook-off will be held Friday, February 10 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. As usual, Schell's Brewery has graciously agreed to provide the beer; non-alcoholic beverages also will be available.