Kendall Center NewsletterJune 1, 2016
New at the Kendall Center
A BIG thank you to Alisa Rosenthal as Kendall Center Director for the past three years. Alisa will be on sabbatical this year. We welcome Leila Brammer as Director for 2016-17. Also, we welcom Chris Gilbert as the Faculty Associate for Research, Scholarship, and Creativity.
New Tenure Track Faculty Welcome Lunch and Meeting
This special afternoon session for new Tenure Track Faculty held on Monday, August 29 is designed for several reasons: first, this time will provide an opportunity for new tenure track faculty to begin to get to know other new faculty. Second, there are some specific details, such as how to use professional conference travel funds, to know. To finish the day, several second and third-year faculty members will join us for a conversation. These are tenure-track faculty who have successfully navigated their first year or two, and can be terrific resources for you. We will begin the afternoon with lunch in the President's Dining Room from noon to 2:30 p.m.
It's the last week before classes begin so it must be time to "finish" up our syllabi! Join the Kendall Center for Syllabuspalooza in Konferensrum from 8am-5pm on Monday, August 29. Fuel up on coffee and treats before heading back you your office to work or stay enjoy the camaraderie of working alongside others putting the last (or first) touches on their syllabi for Fall 2016.
New Faculty Orientation Day
New Faculty Orientation Day will be held in the Heritage Room on Tuesday, August 30 from 8:45 to 4 p.m. This day will allow new faculty to meet other faculty new to Gustavus, to be introduced to important offices they'll need to know (the Registrar, for example), and have more general conversations about their work here with returning faculty. Although the week before classes begin can be incredibly busy and even stressful, this orientation is designed to help new faculty feel more comfortable and knowledgeable about Gustavus, so we expect and look forward to their participation.
Faculty Development Day
The Kendall Center invites all faculty to attend Faculty Development Day on Wednesday, August 31in the Heritage Room beginning at 8:30 a.m. and continuing through lunch. Faculty Development Day is a half-day event that showcases good teaching practices, new developments in technology, pedagogical work being done on the campus, and other resources of interest to faculty.
First Friday Faculty Social
The Kendall Center invites all faculty to the First Friday Faculty Social on Friday, September 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Get to know new faculty, reconnect with colleagues, and celebrate the start of the new year. Refreshments provided. Hosted by the John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning and the Office of the Provost.