Kendall Center NewsletterFebruary 1, 2015
February Faculty Writing Retreats at GAC and ASI
The Kendall Center is hosting monthly Writing Retreats at both Gustavus and at ASI. February Writing Retreats will be held on Saturday, February 21 at ASI and on Sunday, February 22 at Gustavus (Board Room). Faculty can sign up for a full day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. devoted to writing. We’ll provide breakfast and lunch. Please visit the Kendall Center website under Writing Retreats for upcoming dates and info. Please reserve a space with Cathy Blaukat for one or all of the writing retreats.
RSC and Presidential Grant Deadlines
The Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Grant deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 11; the Presidential Faculty-Student Collaboration Grant deadline is Monday, Feb. 23. This year, one RSC grant's designated Area of Focus is Interdisciplinarity, broadly defined. Application forms and guidelines are available on the Kendall Center website under Grants. Questions may be directed to FDC co-chairs Tom Huber and Rob Kendrick or any member of the FDC.
New Faculty Orientation Session
(tenure track only)
Join us on February 12 for a New Faculty Orientation Session (tenure-track only). Topic will be: Applying for internal and external grants. This session is on how to apply for the full range of internal and external grant opportunities. Presenter: Representative of the Faculty Development Committee (Rob Kendrick) and Bob Weisenfeld, Office of Government Grants and Sponsored Programs. Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m.
New Faculty Orientation Session
Join us on February 19 for a New Faculty Orientation Session. Topic: Checking-in. Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m.
The Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Pie-Off.........and Beer Tasting Event!
All faculty, please plan to attend the most tasty event of the year. What to do? Please make a dessert pie or cook up a pot of your favorite chili, enough to share. No time to cook? Come anyway, there always is plenty for all.The Cook-off will be held Friday, February 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. As usual, Schell's Brewery has graciously agreed to provide the beer; non-alcoholic beverages also will be available.
Teachers Talking
Join us on Thursday, February 26 for Teachers Talking. The topic will be: “Did I really just say that?” Language in the Classroom. Have you ever found yourself saying something inappropriate in class like “you guys” or “Are you deaf?” or other cringe-inducing things, where you wish you could take it back? Or do you hear students using inappropriate language and wonder how to address it? Come have lunch and learn about how to recognize your own language biases, leave them at the classroom door, deal with them when they slip into the room, and maybe even get rid of them completely! We will address two issues: what language do we use without thinking? How can we respond effectively when we do so? Program at 11:30 am and again at 12:30 pm. Free lunch at Three Crowns buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room.
Faculty Shop Talk
Carlos Mario Mejia Suarez (Assistant Professor, MLLC) will present a Faculty Shop Talk on Friday, February 27. His talk entitled, "I didn’t know the dead one was me,” Masculinities beyond Property and Propriety in Colombian Post-Conflict Novels, will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed on the Kendall Center website, under Shop Talks.
Globalization Workshop
Join your colleagues and World Savvy, an organization supporting global learning, for a one-day workshop on February 3, 9am to 3:30pm sponsored by the Kendall Center. Participants will engage in discussions and activities using a Global Competence Matrix as a framework for understanding skills, dispositions and behaviors in a global context. Participants will have multiple opportunities to both confer and develop plans with colleagues for integrating global competencies into their classes. To register, email Deb Pitton at
Upcoming Events
Date | Event |
Jan 15 3:30–4:30 p.m. | New Faculty Orientation (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) |
3:30–4:30 p.m. | New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) |
Jan 17 3–4 p.m. | Presidential and the Research, Scholarship, and Creativity grants workshop |
3–4 p.m. | Presidential and the Research, Scholarship, and Creativity grants workshop |
Jan 18 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Faculty Writing Retreat at ASI |
Jan 19 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Faculty Writing Retreat at ASI |
Jan 24 4–5:30 p.m. | Faculty Shop Talk - Blake Couey |
4–6 p.m. | Shop Talk with Blake Couey |
Jan 29 3:30–4:30 p.m. | New Faculty Orientation |
3:30–4:30 p.m. | New Faculty Orientation Session |
Feb 7 4–6 p.m. | Shop Talk with Lisa Dembouski and Amy Vizenor |
Feb 21 4–6 p.m. | Shop Talk with Cathy Harms |
Feb 26 3:30–4:30 p.m. | New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) |
- Pamela Conners — x6170
Faculty Associates
- Dave Stamps, New Faculty Programming — x7439
- Martin Lang, Community Engaged Learning — x6899
- Maddalena Marinari, Research, Scholarship, and Creativity — x6152
- Patricia English-Schneider, Excellence in Teaching — x7372
- Dan Moos, Excellence in Teaching — x7448
- Esther Wang, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — x7361
Administrative Coordinator
- Cathy Blaukat — x6227
Office Hours
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning is located in Anderson Hall 303