COVID and other Respiratory Illness Next StepsWhat you should do if...

What if I Test Positive for COVID or Influenza??

The Health Service encourages rest, fluids and use of over the counter medications to help manage your symptoms. If you have underlying health conditions, please be sure to tell your provider so they can discuss additional management options. At a minimum, you should remain out of classes and work until you are fever free for 24 hours without the use of and any fever reducing medications (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen) and symptoms are improving. 

Additionally, you should inform your close contacts and to wear a mask while you have symptoms.

There are no longer COVID or Influenza specific guidelines, rather the CDC has developed guidance for preventing the spread of respiratory illness.

What if I have had an Exposure - COVID or Influenza Close Contact

If you have had a known exposure to a person who tested positive for COVID or Influenza you should monitor for symptoms and follow recommendations as above should symptoms develop.

What about Pertussis? 

Pertussis is circulating more than usual this year (highest number of cases in MN since 2012). Click HERE for some additional information about Pertussis.

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