Department Chairs and Program Directors Committee (DCPDC)

The DCPDC was dissolved by a vote of the faculty in May 2024. This page remains available for archival purposes.


1. To elect a chair for a one-year term. In addition to chairing the meeting, the chair shall provide a written report for the faculty meeting packet and take on such other duties as the committee requests.
2. To set the agenda for monthly discussions. All suggestions for the agenda are submitted to the chair. The agenda is drafted by the chair for committee approval. 
3. To discuss such matters of college policy, academic program, and departmental administration as affect most or all departments/programs, as deemed necessary and/or appropriate. Such matters may be submitted for discussion by any members of the committee (including non-voting members), or by other faculty committees.
4. To solicit from the Provost, the Associate Provosts, and/or other Vice Presidents such information as shall be considered necessary for informed discussion.
5. To forward to the appropriate faculty committee(s) such proposals for policies and/or programs as shall be deemed appropriate.
6. To bring motions to the full faculty for its consideration as shall be deemed appropriate.
7. To establish and appoint members to short-term ad hoc subcommittees as needed.
8. To collaborate with the Provost’s Office to review and maintain the Department Chair and Program Director Manual.

DCPDC Membership

1. Voting: department chairs; directors of all interdisciplinary programs with majors and/or minors; directors of curricular programs that offer courses but not majors/minors (e.g. Three Crowns Curriculum and First Term Seminar Program), director of the Writing Across the Curriculum Program. Each department/program has one vote. Voting by proxy is allowed.
2. Non-voting: Provost, Associate Provosts.

Meeting Minutes
