Department Chair and Program Director Guide

Section One - Introduction

About This Handbook – 1:1
Academic Department Chairs – 1:2
The President’s Cabinet – 1:3
Office of the Provost – 1:4
Faculty Committee Chairs – 1:5
Academic Calendar – 1:6

Section Two - The Role of the Department Chair

The Role of the Department Chair – 2:1
The Role of the Program Director – 2:2
Mandatory Reporting – 2:3
Development Opportunities – 2:4

Section Three - Chair Approval Items and Budgets

Introduction – 3:1
Course Approval – 3:2
Lecture Series Funding Requests – 3:3
Academic Assistantships – 3:4
Budget Information – 3:5
Selling Inventory and Equipment – 3:6
Course Scheduling and Staffing – 3:7

Section Four - Miscellaneous Policies

Travel Policies – 4:1
Faculty Replacements and Compensation – 4:2
Sabbatical Leave Policy and Application – 4:3
Part-Time Faculty Commuting Stipend – 4:4
Restricted Gift Acceptance and Spending – 4:5
Summer Student Research Housing Policy – 4:6
Student Intent to Graduate Form – 4:7
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – 4:8
Office Assignment Policy – 4:9
Facilities Use Policy – 4:10
Key Policy – 4:11
Family and Medical Leaves – 4:12
Guidelines for Low Enrollment Courses – 4:13
Modality Requests - 4:14
Start-Up Fund Use Policy – 4:15
Phased Retirement Option for Tenured Faculty (PRO) – 4:16
Voluntary Appointment Reduction Option for Tenured Faculty (VARO) – 4:17
Weather-Related Closures – 4:18
Gustavus Faculty Ombudsperson – 4:19
Tuition-Free Ninth Semester Program – 4:20

Section Five - Department Meetings and Interpersonal Communication

Department Meetings – 5:1
Meeting Agendas – 5:2
Template Documents – 5:3

Section Six - Evaluation

Tenure-Track Faculty – 6:1
Special Appointment and Part-Time Faculty – 6:2
Continuing and Senior Continuing Faculty – 6:3
Conflict of Interest Policy for Committee Membership – 6:4
Guidelines for Classroom Observation – 6:5
Faculty Evaluation Deadlines – 6:6
Tenure and Promotion Process Guidelines – 6:7
Student Reflection on Instruction (SRI) – 6:8

Section Seven - Program Assessment

Program Assessment of Student Learning – 7:1
Ongoing Assessment Activities – 7:2

Section Eight - External Review of Academic Departments and Programs

Purpose of the Review – 8:1
Process – 8:2
External Evaluator Logistical Details – 8:3
External Review Check List and Timeline – 8:4
Sample Schedule for External Evaluators – 8:5

Section Nine - Support Staff Wage and Hour Guidelines

Working Hours and Schedule – 9:1
Meal Breaks and Rest Periods – 9:2
Timekeeping Procedures – 9:3
Overtime for Support Staff – 9:4

Section Ten - General Information

Insurance – 10:1
Parking and Traffic Information – 10:2
Student Entry into Locked Academic Areas – 10:3
Academic Calendar and the Common Meeting Time – 10:4
Reporting Grades and Attendance – 10:5
Calendar of Tasks for Department Chairs – 10:6
Academic Seniority – 10:7

Section Eleven - Hiring

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Last modified: August 20, 2024, by Shanon Nowell