Department Chair and Program Director Guide

Section Six – Evaluation

Tenure-Track Faculty – 6:1

Guidelines for Departmental Review and Support of Probationary Personnel are available online in the Faculty Handbook (Section

A tenure review informational webpage with information for tenure-track faculty is available at:

Tenure-Track Review Planning Worksheets

These planning worksheets are intended to support the review of pre-tenure faculty members. If you or a faculty member has any questions about the agreed-upon schedule for review, please contact Shanon Nowell ( or 507-933-7541) to confirm.

Fixed-Term and Part-Time Faculty – 6:2

Guidelines for Departmental Review and Support of Fixed-Term and Part-time Faculty can be found online in the Faculty Handbook (Section

Non-Tenure-Track Review Planning Worksheets

These planning worksheets are intended to support the review of non-tenure-track faculty members. If you or a faculty member has any questions about the schedule or process for review, please contact Shanon Nowell ( or 507-933-7541) to confirm.

Continuing and Senior Continuing Faculty – 6:3

Guidelines for Departmental Review and Support of Continuing and Senior Continuing faculty can be found online in the Faculty Handbook (Section

Continuing faculty requests are due annually each fall (normally at the end of October). If you have any questions about the request process, visit the search guide online or email Shanon Nowell ( or 507-933-7541) for more information.

Continuing Faculty Review Planning Worksheets

These planning worksheets are intended to support the review of continuing and senior continuing faculty members. If you or a faculty member has any questions about the schedule or process for review, please contact Shanon Nowell ( or 507-933-7541) to confirm.

Continuing Faculty (6-year clock)

Senior Continuing Faculty

Conflict of Interest Policy for Committee Membership – 6:4

The Conflict of Interest Policy for Committee Participation is available online:

Guidelines for Classroom Observation – 6:5

To guide the teaching observation process, please see these Guidelines for Classroom Observation.

Faculty Evaluation Deadlines – 6:6

Tenure-Track Faculty (6-year clock)
  • First Year: February 15 (informal letter of continuation)
  • Second Year: November 15 (regular review process)
  • Third Year: Schedule set by the Third Year Review Subcommittee, usually in spring semester
  • Fourth Year: April 1 (regular review process)
  • Fifth Year: April 1 (informal letter of continuation)
  • Tenure Review: Schedule set by Faculty Personnel Committee, in fall semester

Tenure-Track Faculty (4-year clock)

  • Annual: February 15 (follows process for 2nd year review)
  • Third Year: Schedule set by the Third Year Review Subcommittee, usually in spring semester
  • Fourth Year: April 1 (regular review process)
  • Tenure Review: Schedule set by Faculty Personnel Committee, in fall semester

Continuing Faculty (6-year clock)

  • First Year: February 15 (informal letter of continuation)
  • Second Year: November 15 (regular review process)
  • Third Year: April 1 (process coordinated by the CFRC)
  • Fourth Year: February 15 (informal letter of continuation)
  • Fifth Year: April 1 (regular review process)
  • Sixth Year: April 1 (process coordinated by the CFRC)

Senior Continuing Faculty (6-year cycle)

  • First Year: Due April 1 (self-reflection and chair response submitted to the Provost)
  • Second Year: Due April 1 (self-reflection and chair response submitted to the Provost)
  • Third Year: May 1 (follows the process for Mid-cyle Review)
  • Fourth Year: Due April 1 (self-reflection and chair response submitted to the Provost)
  • Fifth Year: Due April 1 (self-reflection and chair response submitted to the Provost)
  • Every 6 Years Due April 1 (follows the process for Reappointment Review)

Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

  • Annual Evaluation: March 1

Tenure and Promotion Process Guidelines – 6:7

The Faculty Personnel Committee suggests that Department Chairs follow these guidelines for their role in the tenure and promotion processes.

In the two semesters prior to review, department chairs will work with review candidates to schedule the administration of Faculty Personnel Committee SRI (Student Reflection on Instruction) in each of their classes. Administration of Fall SRIs will generally occur during the first two weeks of November and Spring SRIs will be given during the last two weeks of April. Department chairs will receive a prompt regarding SRI administration from the Provost's Office. Do not disregard this important notice, containing relevant information and dates.

The chair should consult with the reviewee regarding selection of colleagues to write solicited letters one or two semesters prior to dossier submission (e.g., if the review is in Fall 2024, selection of solicited letter writers should take place in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024). After consultation with the Chair, the candidate (or the chair) will request solicited letters from TWO Gustavus colleagues outside the department, and TWO professional colleagues at other institutions.

The chair should announce to students and appropriate alumni that the candidate is being considered for tenure/promotion. If a person chooses to write, ask that they address, to the best of their ability, the criteria for tenure/promotion and address the letter to the Provost (letters should be emailed directly to the Assistant to the Provost, Shanon Nowell ( or 507-933-7541). The chair should announce to department members that those who are tenured are expected to write a letter to be included in the reviewee’s file. Non-tenured colleagues may write if they wish, but they should never feel obligated or coerced to do so. (If there are two candidates from the same department, normally they do not write for one another.) Chairs might also remind departmental colleagues that visiting a class, talking with the candidate, and reading a copy of the professional statement prepared by the candidate is useful in helping the faculty member write a letter that addresses the criteria for tenure/promotion. These reminders should begin during the semester prior to dossier submission (i.e., Fall 2024 for a Spring 2025 promotion candidate). Ideally, the candidate should supply a copy of their file or at least a copy of the professional statement, CV, and publications to the department a few weeks before letters are due, so that this information is available to members of the department to reference as they write their letters.

Department chairs and candidates are invited to an informational meeting about tenure and promotion processes in the semester prior to their review.

Student Reflection on Instruction (SRI) – 6:8

Per Faculty Handbook 2.3.7, faculty are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of their teaching for each course, each semester. For this purpose, Gustavus provides the Student Reflection on Instruction (SRI) instrument. SRI information is available on the All-Faculty Resources Moodle site

Copyright 2024-25, Gustavus Adolphus College. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: June 21, 2024, by Shanon Nowell