Veterinary Medicine
Prerequisite Requirements

Requirements for veterinary schools vary from school to school and can change year by year, students must carefully examine the pre-requisite requirements of the schools they are interested in to be current and accurate when registering for courses at Gustavus. Consult the Association of American Veterinary Medical School Admission Requirements for requirements and admission statistics to the 50+ Veterinary schools.

First Year: Fall

BIO 110 Principles of Biology & BIO 111 Lab

*CHE 110 General Chemistry & CHE 111 General Chemistry Lab OR CHE 105 Foundations of Chemistry I & CHE 106 Foundations of Chemistry I Lab 

*Before you can register for CHE 110, you are required to take the Chemistry placement exam. (CHE 105/106 offered Fall only and CHE 107/108 offered Spring only) taking both are equivalent to CHE 110. Find out more about the CHE placement exam HERE 

FTS 100 First Term Seminar (Writing Intensive course- WRIT)

First Year: Spring

BIO 120 Organismal Biology & BIO 121 Lab

CHE 120 Organic Chemistry I & CHE 121 Organic Chemistry I Lab (offered Fall and Spring)

*CHE 107 Foundations of Chemistry II & CHE 108 Foundations of Chemistry II Lab *(CHE 105/106 offered Fall only and CHE 107/108 offered Spring only) taking both are equivalent to CHE 110)

Second Year: Fall

BIO 250 Cell and Molecular Biology & BIO 251 Lab 

CHE 220 Organic Chemistry II & CHE 221 Organic Chemistry II LAB

Second Year: Spring
BIO 260 Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior & BIO 261 Lab
CHE 230 Inorganic Chemistry I & CHE 231 Inorganic Chemistry I Lab (offered Spring only)
*Liberal Arts Requirement


Third Year: Fall
PHY 120 General Physics I & PSY 121 General Physics I Lab (offered Fall only)
BIO 374 Genetics 
*Liberal Arts Requirement 
Third Year: Spring
PHY 170 General Physics II & PHY 171 General Physics II Lab (offered Spring only)

English (writing across the curriculum courses may apply- check with paricular veterinary program)

Fourth Year: Fall
CHE 270 Biochemistry & CHE 271 Lab
MCS 142 Introduction to Statistics or equivalent

*Liberal Arts Requirement

Fourth Year: Spring
BIO 360 Microbiology & BIO 361 Lab
*Liberal Arts (3 courses required at the U of M) Anthropology, Art, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Music, Theater, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychological Science, Sociology, Religion and Foreign Language courses.
Students who earn their bachelor's degree from Gustavus must complete four Gustavus course credits from these two liberal art areas: Arts & Humanities or History & Social Sciences.

Examples of Pre-requisites at Veterinary Programs

Consult the Association of American Veterinary Medical School Admission Requirements for requirements and admission statistics to the 50+ Veterinary schools.


Updated April 2024 HSB