Leah Pavlish '22Medicine (MD)


Name: Leah Pavlish
Graduation Year: 2022
Majors: Biology and Spanish

Story: Although a personal injury in high school sparked my interest in the medical field, it
was not until college (when I had the chance to experience patient care firsthand)
that my decision to pursue this career solidified. I decided to attend Gustavus so I
could play sports (hockey and soccer) and obtain an excellent education, one that
would allow me to work towards the medical profession.
Since I was leaning towards a career in medicine prior to college, I started building
my resume and gaining patient experience early on. I remember meeting with
Heather Banks (a tremendous resource for anyone pre-health) at the start of my
freshman year to discuss what my four years at Gustavus would look like if I decided
to continue my pursuit of becoming a physician. Then, I spent a significant amount
of time shadowing ALL SPECIALTIES. It is important to see a variety of specialties as
the daily life of a general surgeon may look very different from that of a family
practice physician.
I then started my direct patient care experience. Throughout college, I was a CNA in
assisted living and worked as a care aid in a group home for mental illnesses. I also
became involved in my community by volunteering at the local St. Peter Free Clinic
and as a Bilingual Crisis Hotline Counselor (I highly recommend - very humbling). I
also had the opportunity to go on a medical mission trip to Honduras for a week
during my senior year, which later inspired my interest in global health / public

After graduating, I took two unplanned gap years. I returned to Honduras for
a month-long medical mission trip and then worked as a scribe in orthopedic
surgery and as a medical assistant in dermatology (while continuing part-time at the
group home). At the time, I was disappointed in taking gap years (due to multiple
MCAT attempts); however, now, I could not imagine starting medical school without
the personal growth, maturity, and general life experiences I gained during those
years. I cannot stress enough how beneficial gap years are!
After multiple interviews and acceptances to both DO and MD schools, I have
decided to attend Creighton University School of Medicine, where I will obtain an
MD and MPH through the 5-year Arrupe Global Scholars Program at Creighton.

Top Activities/Experiences: (in no particular order)
1. Medical Mission Trips at Surgery Site in Honduras
2. Gustavus Women’s Soccer/ Hockey Team
3. Bilingual Crisis Hotline Volunteer
4. St. Peter Free Clinic Volunteer
5. CNA, scribe, and medical assistant in various specialties
6. Biology Tutor (1 year) and Biochemistry TA (2 years)

1. Utilize your resources and network, network, network! There are many
resources available at your disposal at Gustavus. Try to seek out these
resources, as they may provide guidance throughout your medical journey.
Also, always be forming connections with peers, supervisors, professors,
physicians... You never know what doors may open for you when you reach
out to someone later down the road.

2. Try your best to avoid the “pre-med comparison” trap. Speaking from
experience, I know it is tempting to compare yourself, your grades, and your
odds of becoming a physician to others. However, remind yourself that each
individual has a different journey and path, although they may lead to the
same goal. Embrace what makes you and your story different, and then share
it... That is what medical schools are looking for in applicants, and that will
be what will make you an excellent and unique physician!

3. Take some time for yourself after graduating! Take 1+ gap years and spend
that time with family and friends, traveling, making money, etc. I took two gap
years, during which I went on a medical mission trip to Honduras and
backpacked around Australia and Indonesia for a month before starting
medical school. Do what makes you happy! This may be the last time (in a
long time) that you will get this time for yourself. Use it and enjoy every
second of whatever it is you choose to do during your time before school,
whether that is one month or 3+ years!

Future Plans:
Creighton University School of Medicine - Arrupe Global Scholars MD/MPH
Program, starting Fall of 2024. As for specialty, leaning towards orthopedic
surgery or ENT surgery:)