Maddie Hessian '22 (December)Medicine (MD)


Name: Maddie Hessian
Graduation Year: December 2022
Major: Double Major, Biology and LALACS (Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean studies) 
Spanish Minor

Story: I am originally from Northfield, MN, and loved the close-knit community I
experienced while growing up there. I was drawn to Gustavus for the chance to be a
part of a similar community and build meaningful relationships with my peers and
mentors. My desire to be a physician stemmed from many personal experiences that
made me more and more confident that medicine was what I was meant to do. I
grew up having close, long-term relationships with several physicians I saw for some
of my own health challenges. As a result, I was exposed not only to the diverse
subject matter of the field, but also to the unique opportunity to form empathetic,
meaningful connections with patients, and improve their quality of life. As someone
who was always drawn to science and the way that the body worked, medicine was
my chance to tie that interest to my values of compassion and service. That
foundation was what I built upon as I furthered my studies, volunteered and worked
in medical settings, and pursued shadowing. Every time I exposed myself to another
facet of medicine, the more I found myself pulled in and called to do that work, so
that I can be of service and impact patients' lives in positive, meaningful ways as I
have seen firsthand.
I loved my time at Gustavus and the myriad of opportunities to get involved with, make
connections, and explore my interests. I was able to double major in Biology and
LALACS, as well as minor in Spanish, without having to choose just one educational
track. I think this well-rounded coursework gave me a unique perspective and set of
experiences going into the application cycle and a career in medicine. At Gustavus I
was involved in lots of organizations, like the Peer Assistants and the Running Club,
and was also able to get involved in research, among many other activities. I fostered
wonderful relationships and met mentors who I am so grateful for, and the health
professions specialists have been such fantastic supporters and resources for
me during my time at Gustavus and beyond.

Top Five Activities/Experiences: (in no particular order)
1. Americorps Service Year

2. J-Term Career Exploration

3. Healthcare-related jobs, including time as a direct support professional, a CNA,
and a medical assistant

4. Peer Assistants

5. Volunteering as a bilingual crisis counselor for the 988 text line


1. I think it is so important to remember that you are on your own unique path, and
to try not to compare yourself to others, which can be really easy to do as a
pre-medical student and an applicant. At times it can be overwhelming and feel like
you have to “do it all” to get into medical school, but above all else you should seek
out experiences you are passionate about and that you want to learn from, not just
to check a box or do something you see others around you doing. Explore your
interests, and those quality experiences over time will not only convey more about
who you are to admissions committees, but will make you happier in the long run.

2. Plan ahead and stay organized. From planning out your four years of curriculum
and experiences at Gustavus to the MCAT and all the components of the application
cycle, educating yourself on the process and staying as organized as you can will
save you a lot of time and stress in the long-run. The application cycle is long and
complicated, so anything you can get done in advance will come in handy. Applying
early and pre-writing as much of your application as you can makes a huge

3. Use your resources. Gustavus had so many great opportunities to get involved
with research, volunteering, and shadowing experiences, and the health profession specialists have a wealth of knowledge that you should absolutely take advantage of.
On top of that, it is so important to surround yourself with people who support you
and to lean on them when you need it. The journey to medical school and a career as
a physician is not an easy one, and relying on loved ones, mentors, and friends can
help you stay balanced.

Future Plans:
I will be attending University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Medical School, starting Fall 2024.