Parking & Traffic Information
Parking & Traffic Information
Message from the Department
All motor vehicle concerns should be communicated to the Department of Campus Safety, which is responsible for operational and enforcement aspects of the campus Motor Vehicle Parking Program.
We urge each of you to become thoroughly familiar with these regulations and to abide by all parking regulations and restrictions.
General Parking Information
Lots are Color Coded on the Gustavus Adolphus College campus. Please review the parking regulations for specific lots and permit types before parking your vehicle, or contact the Campus Safety office 24 hours a day at 507-933-8888 with any parking questions. Silver, Blue, Purple, and Gold lots are enforced 7am the first day of classes in the Fall all academic year until Commencement. Always assume parking is enforced during the academic year.
Silver (Student) = there are 14 student parking lots; student parking permit required; enforced Monday-Friday 7am-5pm; Silver permit parking in the Stadium (Beck) lot are marked - No Parking 2am-7am, and are enforced 7 days a week. No vehicles may be parked overnight in the Stadium/Beck parking lot.
Blue (Student) = First year only parking; First year student parking permit required; enforced Monday-Friday 7am-5pm. Blue permits are being sold on a first-come, first served basis until they are gone.
Purple (Student) ="Reduced Cost Lot" New for the '24-'25 academic year! Information coming soon!
Gold (Employee) = parking permit required, for employee use only; enforced Monday-Friday 7am-5pm and no parking 2am-7am, 7 days a week
VISITOR designated parking; permit required 2am-7am, 7 days a week; Closed to students and staff at all times.
Special Low-emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles endorsement = In the Stadium Parking lot adjacent to Beck Hall, preferred parking will be available for vehicles qualifying as a “low-emitting” and “fuel-efficient vehicles.” These spaces are identified with signage and will be available to visitors, students and employees. Qualifications are detailed under the "Parking Area" heading, below.
Parking spaces reserved by signs -- i.e., 30-minute Parking, Residential Life, Vendor/Maintenance Parking -- are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visitor parking is closed to students and employees at all times and is always enforced.
Traffic regulations are subject to enforcement 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Always assume that parking is enforced, even if classes are not in session.
Gustavus Adolphus College assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents while operated and/or parked on campus. Remove your keys and valuables and lock the vehicle when it is left unattended. Valuables if not removed should be secured in the trunk. Report thefts immediately to Campus Safety.
Disabled vehicles must be reported to Campus Safety either in person or by phone, and arrangements made to remove the vehicle as soon as possible. Any vehicle parked illegally may be towed at the owner's expense. Campus Safety officers can provide jump-start services to any vehicle owner parked on-campus. Contact Campus Safety at 507-933-8888 to request a jump start (a release of liability form must be completed prior to an Officer performing a jump start. This service can only be provided on College property).
Unattended Vehicles: Vehicles are considered parked when left unattended for any period of time.
Three Flags Circle is a no parking zone at all times, no exceptions. Curbs that are painted red are designated fire lanes. You may park along the yellow curb by the Three Flags Circle, with hazards on, up to 15 minutes.
Visitor / Special Event Parking
During the school year on weekdays between 7am and 5pm visitors should park in one of the Visitor Parking areas (designated by Visitor signs) located on the northeast side of the Campus Center Building and Lund Center, near the Swanson Tennis Center, next to the Linneaus Arboretum or adjacent to the Nobel Hall of Science.
From 5pm-2am, Visitors may park in most parking lot on campus except the 7 days a week, Visitor parking lots require a permit 2am-7am and Gold permit parking is No Parking 2am-7am. Silver permit parking is reserved for students but is not cited 5pm-7am Monday through Friday, or from 5pm on Friday until 7am on Monday [except the rows designated as No Parking 2am-7am in the Stadium/Beck parking lot].
In the summer months of June, July and August, visitors may park in any parking lot on campus without restriction until August 31, when we ask all employees and returning students to park according to permit color. However, all the parking spaces listed below are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Campus Safety will issue tickets if a vehicle is parked:
1. In parking spaces reserved by signs -- i.e., 30-minute Parking, Residential Life, Vendor/Maintenance Parking.
2. In Visitor parking as it is always closed to students and employees.
3. In a handicap spot and is not displaying a Minnesota Handicap license plate or a Minnesota Temporary permit.
4. In Stadium lot (F) and all employee parking lots from 2am-7am.
5. In Three Flags Circle as it is a no parking zone at all times, no exceptions. Curbs that are painted red are designated fire lanes. You may park along the yellow curb by the Three Flags Circle, with hazards on, up to 15 minutes.
During large events, parking lots adjacent to event sites will fill up quickly. Please drive to other, more remote lots to find an open space.
Recreational Vehicles may not be parked on campus overnight. Please contact the Department of Campus Safety to coordinate short-term parking. Please contact the Saint Peter Police Department at 507-931-1550 for information about off-campus RV parking.
Visitor spaces are closed to students and employees 24 hours a day. Vehicles that park frequently in Visitor parking are tracked and cited - if you believe you've received a citation in error, complete a parking appeal form in the Campus Safety office.
- Students cannot park in Visitor parking regardless of status: auditing, PSEO, study abroad, interns, student teachers, etc still require a valid student parking permit to park on campus.
- If a student chooses to live off campus, they are still a student of Gustavus and will need a Silver or White parking permit if they plan to park on campus!
- Temporary/short-term employees must register and display a valid temporary Gold permit.
Overnight Visitors
During the academic year, visitors wishing to park past 2:00 a.m. or overnight must be registered with Campus Safety and display a valid Visitor Parking Permit. Vistiors must be staying overnight on campus with their host to park a vehicle - parking is not provided for storage or parking for a vehicle owner who will not be actively on campus.
Temporary visitor permits are free and can be obtained by coming to Campus Safety (24-hours a day) for the visitor and host to provide contact and vehicle information. Visitors must show a valid driver's license and register their vehicle in person in the Campus Safety office with their social host. These temporary visitor permits must hang and display on the inside rear view mirror with vehicle information facing the front.
Contact the Department of Campus Safety, 24-hours a day, with questions at 507-933-8888.
Vehicle Registration / Parking Permits
Parking permits: A parking permit is required to park on campus. However, a parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space in a particular lot, only an opportunity to park in any of the designated permit lots of that color on campus.
Campus Safety reserves the right to limit permit issuance to prevent overcrowding in any parking area. It is important that those desiring parking privileges obtain permits without delay.
All employees and students who wish to park on campus must register their motor vehicles and display current parking permits of the appropriate permit color. Visitor spaces are closed to students and employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Parking permits can be obtained at the Campus Safety office - located in the Carlson International Center suite 110. North side of building facing Beck Hall.
Vehicle registration is online. A vehicle must be registered and display a valid permit before it can be parked on campus.
Permit enforcement begins 7am on the first day of the classes in the Fall and continues through Graduation. Always assume that parking is enforced during the academic year.
Visitors staying overnight (2am-7am) must register with the Department of Campus Safety and display a valid Visitor permit (no charge). Visitors must show a valid driver's license and register their vehicle in person in the Campus Safety office with their social host. Please contact the Campus Safety office with any questions about Visitor parking (507-933-8888).
Gold (employee) designated lots are no parking 2am-7am, 7 days a week. Overnight parking for employees is available in the Motor Pool lot, contact Campus Safety for more information.
Parking Permit Registration Fees 2024-2025
Student Silver and Blue permit fees
- September 1 through May 27 — $310
- January 1 through May 27 — $155
Silver Permit returns: Note that you can get a refund for the second semester portion of your pass if you turn the sticker back in to the Campus Safety office, or send it in attached to a sheet of paper (in pieces is fine) with your name and ID number, by January 10th (refunds will not be given past this date for half credit ($155), so plan accordingly)! Any permits turned in for credit on or after January 10th will not be credited due to the spring semester starting. Credits will be sent to your student account.
Permit return forms are available in the Campus Safety office or you can print one here.
Parking passes are not prorated over the course of a semester.
Parking permits (decals) are color coded by lot - with decals issued for each vehicle registered. The decals must be affixed to the outside of the back window, on the top right hand side of each vehicle. This is a change from past years.
- Gold = Employee parking (employee permit are valid for three years (current permits are valid September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2026)
- Silver/Blue/Purple = Student parking (student permits are valid for one academic year, current permits are valid 2024-2025)
To obtain a parking permit, a completed parking permit registration is required and includes the following information: motor vehicle license plate number, vehicle color, make/model and College ID number.
A vehicle is not registered until the appropriate sticker or permit is displayed correctly on the vehicle.
No student may obtain a parking permit for another student's vehicle. Students can register ONE vehicle. Students cannot park using an employee vehicle/green sticker. Students must register for and display a valid red permit to park on campus.
Registration stickers or permits are non-transferable and shall not be affixed on any vehicle other than the one to which it is registered.
Please report all lost or stolen decals to Campus Safety immediately. There is a $10 charge for all replacement student decals.
Permit holders are responsible for their registered vehicles. It is their responsibility to know and obey all parking rules and regulations. The responsibility of finding an authorized parking space rests with the vehicle operator. The person registered, as the purchaser of the decal shall be responsible for violations incurred by the vehicle. Parking lots are enforced by color and permit holders must park in the appropriate colored lot.
The fact that a person may park or observe others parked in violation of the regulations without receiving a citation is not a valid excuse for illegal parking. Contact the Campus Safety office 24 hours a day with any parking related questions.
Fines for parking and/or traffic violations should be paid promptly at the Cashier/Financial Aid office. Unpaid citations on registered vehicles will be sent to College accounts automatically after 14 days. Unpaid citations on non-registered vehicles are collected when vehicles are towed for non-payment.
Vehicles registered to students are from then on marked as student vehicles and cannot park in Visitor parking. If a Visitor is parking on campus in a vehicle previously registered to a student, please come to the Campus Safety office to register for a Visitor parking pass.
Check your vehicle daily. A vehicle parked in violation will receive a new ticket for each day it is imperly parked/in violation of a parking rule. It is a courtesy if Campus Safety lets a vehicle owner know of multiple citations, it is not a requirement! Again, it is your responsibility to check your vehicle daily!
Notify Campus Safety if your license plate changes. Send an e-mail with your name, ID number, and updated plate information to To register a new vehicle, please come to the Campus Safety office.
If a permit holder changes vehicles during the year, the original sticker must be turned in (or documentation regarding sale/damage of the vehicle) in order to register the new vehicle. There is a $10 charge for all replacement student decals. Contact the Administrative Assistant at 507-933-8809 or e-mail with questions about replacement decals.
The best way to get the sticker off is with heat and the sticker can be brought to us in pieces. We ask that the numbers are removed to avoid any trouble down the road, just in case the vehicle would ever make it back on campus.
If only your license plate changes, please go to the Campus Safety website and under ‘frequently requested forms and links’ there is a form to fill out, License Plate Changes.
For short-term use of alternate vehicles, students and staff can obtain temporary parking permits in the Campus Safety office (for a limit of 2 weeks without special documentation). Please contact Campus Safety for more information.
Dependents of faculty and staff who are students at Gustavus must purchase a student permit and park in the appropriate lot. Students parking a vehicle registered to an employee will be subject to a $100 improper use of permit citation.
Break Parking - All lots on campus are closed over Christmas and Spring Breaks. Students and employees needing to leave a vehicle on campus during breaks should park in the Bjorling lot, (note signs) with overflow parking in the Arbor View parking lot. Vehicles left on campus over breaks will be subject to citation and tow to the correct lot at owners' expense ($90 minimum charge).
Short Term Vehicle Registration
Temporary parking permits are available for those students who have not purchased a parking sticker at a cost of $5 per weekday the car will be on campus. Contact the Campus Safety office for details. Vehicles must be registered and display a valid parking permit before being parked on campus. These temporary parking permits must hang and display on the inside rear view mirror with vehicle information facing the front.
Altering the expiration date of an issued permit can result in a $100 citation.
For those with a valid parking sticker, temporary permits for short-term use of an alternate vehicle are available at no charge, with a limit of 2 weeks. If a permit holder changes vehicles during the year, the original sticker must be turned in (or documentation regarding sale/damage of the vehicle) in order to register the new vehicle.
Visitor / Guest Permits
Students are responsible for obtaining a temporary visitor permit with their guests that wish to park on campus overnight. Temporary visitor permits are free and can be obtained by coming to Campus Safety (24-hours a day) and completing a parking registration form. Visitors must show a valid driver's license and provide their vehicle information and their social host must provide contact information. These temporary visitor permits must hang and display on the inside rear view mirror with vehicle information facing the front.
Note: Visitor Permits are required to park on campus overnight in the Visitor Lots. Overnight parking is restricted in all Gold permit lots and some Silver permit designations, so please come to the Campus Safety office with visitor to register and to get information about appropriate overnight parking to avoid citation.
Handicapped Parking Permits
Vehicles are required to display a Minnesota Handicap license plate or a Minnesota Temporary permit.
Persons may call the Campus Safety office to request a medical escort. This service is available 24 hours a day for those either permanently or temporarily physically challenged. Please keep in mind that it might take a few minutes to give you the assistance requested because of other duties or emergencies that may arise.
Parking Areas
Changes will be occasionally made to the parking lot permit designations. Please make yourself familiar with the new Color Coded Parking lots when returning to campus each fall.
NOTE: It is impossible to post NO PARKING signs in every campus location that is not intended for parking. If a space is not a marked parking space, it shall be considered a NO PARKING space.
Lack of space is not a valid excuse for illegal parking. You may have to search more than one lot to find an open space in your permit color. There are 14 student parking lots (SILVER) and 11 employee parking lots (GOLD) so please make sure you are searching them all.
Moving out and back into a parking space does not re-set any violation - you will be cited for each instance of violation.
During the winter months, please check row designations and space markers carefully to avoid parking over lines or outside of designated spaces. Vehicles are required to be parked within signs of their permit color, and vehicles parked outside of signs, in non-designated spaces, or in two spaces will be cited.
Student Parking - Silver & Blue & Purple
Students (Silver or Blue or Purple permit required) must park within the signs in lots with "Student Permit" signs. Students must park in lots that match their permit color. PSEO students, students studying abroad, student teachers, etc are still required to purchase a student parking pass to park on campus. Visitor parking is monitored and is closed to students and employees at all times.
Employee Parking - Gold
Employees (Gold permit holders) are required to park within the signs in lots with "Gold Permit" signs. (Note: Dependents of faculty and staff who are students at Gustavus must purchase a student permit and park in the appropriate lot.). Green (employee) designated lots are no parking 2am-7am, 7 days a week. Overnight parking for employees is available in the Motor Pool lot, contact Campus Safety for more information.
Visitor Parking -
Visitors are required to park in areas that are designated Visitor Parking. In no circumstances should visitors park in fire lanes, on grass or sidewalks, and in other areas designated "No Parking" or not designated as a valid parking space.
Visitors wishing to park past 2:00 a.m. or overnight must be registered with Campus Safety, display a valid Visitor Parking Permit, and park in Visitor parking. Note the designated Overnight parking spaces (permit required) in the Norelius Visitor lot. Visitor spaces are closed to employees and students at all times without exception. Violators are subject to citation and/or towing. Visitor parking is restricted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Special Low-emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles
Preferred parking spaces in the Stadium, adjacent to Beck Academic Hall, will be available for vehicles qualifying as a "low-emitting" and "fuel-efficient vehicles." Vehicles must have achieved a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle rating guide to qualify as low-emitting and fuel efficient. A list of qualifying vehicles is available at These spaces are identified with signage and will be available to visitors, students, and employees during times the lot is open. If your vehicle is incorrectly ticketed, you may appeal by demonstrating that it is appropriately listed by ACEEE.
Gustavus Electric Vehicle Charging Policy
*NOTE: At this time, there are only charging stations available in the Green parking lots - Lund Parking Lot (G) and Nobel Parking Lot (K). So this policy may change if charging stations are available in different colored lots.
Parking spaces with charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) are available on a first come, first serve basis for all employees, students, and visitors in accordance with the following Use Policy and Guidelines. There is currently no fee for the vehicle charge.
Use Policy:
- EVs operated by Gustavus community members must be logged in the Campus Safety Vehicle Registration System and correctly display the appropriate permit tag before using the charging stations.
- Visiting EVs do not need to register and display a permit or visitor tag while charging.
- Spaces for charging may be used by any EV, regardless of permit tag color or visitor status. However, they are still subject to the green lot restrictions governing overall parking usage (e.g., no vehicles are allowed to remain in a green-permit lot between posted overnight hours or during periods of scheduled maintenance).
- Campus Safety may disconnect an EV at its discretion.
- Do not count on Gustavus charging stations being available when making a decision to purchase an EV. Your purchase decision should be based on your ability to charge at home and/or convenience of publicly available charging stations available in the area.
- Please limit use of charging stations if you can drive your entire commute on electricity with charging at home.
- All campus EV charging station users should limit charging times to no more than 4 hours per day in the green parking lots and there is no parking from 2am - 7am, daily.
- When your charge is complete, you are required to move your vehicle so others can use the charging station. Please use your vehicle's charging estimator to help in this process.
- Charging station parking spaces are intended only for vehicles needing to charge; if you do not intend to charge your vehicle, you will need to park in a non-charging parking space.
- Neatly replace the charging cords when finished. Cords left on the ground are safety hazards.
- Please contact Campus Safety at 933-8888 with any questions.
Loading/Unloading at Residence Halls
Parking around residence halls is restricted to loading and unloading in conjunction with official moving in or moving out days (see the Gustavus Guide for approved dates). Anyone having to load or unload heavy items outside of this time frame must contact Campus Safety for permission. Any vehicle parked or being driven in these areas outside specified times is subject to being ticketed and/or towed, at the owner's expense.
NOTE: Driving or Parking on the sidewalks or grass near residence halls is prohibited at all times.
Loading/unloading at academic/administrative buildings must be cleared with the officer on duty. Call Campus Safety at 507-933-8888 to explain the situation and duration to check for approval in advance of leaving your vehicle.
Fire Lanes
Parking in campus fire lanes is prohibited. This prohibition will be strictly enforced at all times and vehicles found in violation are subject to ticketing and/or towing at owner expense. A 15-minute grace period is allowed when loading and unloading heavy items but you must have your flashers on as an indication of your imminent return, and be parked on the side of the street closest to the Residential Hall only. Parking in a fire lane without flashers is grounds for immediate ticketing and/or towing. The exception to this rule is the Three Flags Circle, where parking is PROHIBITED at all times without exception.
30-minute Parking
30-minute parking is for very short-term parking only. Vehicle parking times are tracked and any vehicle parked over 30 minutes will be cited. Moving out of a 30 minute parking space and back into it does not reset chalk times. Students wishing to park on campus must register for a paid parking permit.
Special Permit Spaces
Special permit spaces are always enforced (Special permit required, Maintenance, Residential Life staff). If you do not have a permit designated specifically for these spaces, always assume that parking is enforced and you cannot park there.
The parking lot at the Swanson Tennis Center is for building use only. That lot is posted No Parking 9pm-7am and is closed whenever the building is closed. Those not actively using that facility should not be parked in that lot.
City Parking, Citations, and Towing
Parking on city streets is monitored and controlled by the City of Saint Peter. Before parking your vehicle on a city street, contact the Saint Peter Police Department, 207 S. Front St., phone number 931-1550, for current rules and regulations.
Gustavus Campus Safety is responsible for the enforcement of campus parking and traffic regulations. Citations issued by Campus Safety officers will be processed through the college Finance Office.
The college reserves the right to remove any vehicle that is illegally parked, non-registered or parked in such a way as to constitute a hazard, impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic, blocks the operation of emergency equipment, or interferes with services. Owners are required to pay all costs involved with the removal, impounding, and storing of such vehicles. Gustavus Adolphus College is not responsible for damages to, loss of, or theft from towed vehicles. If you think your vehicle has been towed, please contact Campus Safety.
Any vehicle receiving THREE (3) parking CITATIONS for non-registration will be TOWED at owner's expense. Make sure your vehicle is properly registered. Any individual receiving five citations will be towed on all subsequent violations.
The towing service used by Gustavus Adolphus College is Von Essen's Towing & Service, located at 227 North Front Street, Saint Peter, MN 56082. Their telephone number is 931-3410.
Vehicles towed for unpaid citations must be cleared with the Department of Campus Safety (by coming to the office and paying all outstanding fines) before the vehicle can be released. Charges for the towing service are paid directly to Von Essens and they accept cash only (minimum $80).
The posted speed limit on campus is 20 miles per hour.
There will be no parking in or on:
- No Parking zones
- Loading zones
- Fire lanes
- Sidewalks or walkways
- Any 24-hour restricted lot or space
- Grass or grounds
- "Handicap Parking" spaces if the vehicle does not display a Minnesota handicap license plate or a Gustavus Adolphus College temporary handicap permit
- Dumpster areas
- Adjacent to or over any curb or pavement
- Any area not designated as a parking space
NOTE: It is impossible to post NO PARKING signs in every campus location that is not intended for parking. If a space is not a marked parking space, it shall be considered a NO PARKING space. Vehicles parked on campus in violation of college parking regulations are subject to towing at the owner's expense.
Campus parking violation fines are as follows (note that vehicles receiving more than 5 citations will be towed on the 6th citation):
DOUBLE PARKED - - $30.00
LOADING ZONE - - $30.00
NO PARKING 2AM-7AM - - $30.00
STC - NO PARKING 9PM-7AM - - $30.00
STOLEN PERMIT - - $100.00
TOW FEE - - $90.00
TOW FEE - EXTRA CHARGE - - $110.00
Citations can be paid at the Student Accounts/Cashier office in the Jackson Campus Center. Citations on registered/linked vehicles will be sent to student/employee accounts. If the vehicle is non-registered, it will be towed after three citations. Individuals receiving five citations will be towed on all subsequent violations.
Two-wheel Vehicle Regulations
Any motorized two-wheel (motorcycle, motor scooter and moped) vehicle which is required to display a motor vehicle license plate must obtain an appropriate Gustavus Adolphus College parking permit. The permit may be obtained from the Office of Campus Safety. Parking is permitted in designated motorcycle parking only, or in spaces designed for cars and trucks. Parking motorcycles/mopeds inside buildings or on residence hall porches is strictly prohibited. Any motorized two-wheel motor vehicle not required to display a motor vehicle license plate may park in any designated bicycle rack.
Persons riding bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, motor scooters, and other similar vehicles upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and be subject to all of the responsibilities applicable to the drivers of automobiles. They must observe all traffic signs, stop signs, yield signs and other traffic control devices.
Motorcycles/mopeds are not permitted to travel on campus sidewalks or grass. Motorcycles must have a valid vehicle tag, insurance, inspection sticker, and display a current College parking permit. All traffic laws pertaining to motorcycles/mopeds will be enforced.
Riding two-wheel motor vehicles on sidewalks, walkways, across the grounds, or around the buildings is strictly prohibited.
Parking of bicycles must be restricted to designated bicycles racks. Bicycles should be registered with the Department of Campus Safety and display a bicycle permit (no charge, register online or in the Campus Safety office).
Any of these vehicles found parked illegally and creating a potential safety hazard may be cited or impounded at the owner's expense.
After sundown and before sunrise, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, and motor scooters shall be equipped with a lamp or headlight on the front exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet, and a red lamp, light or reflector on the rear visible from a distance of at least 500 feet. All such lamps, lights and reflectors shall be in place and in operation anytime such vehicles are operated on campus after sundown and before sunrise.
Parking Appeals
Anyone with a valid reason may appeal a parking ticket within five (5) business days of the date on the citation by going to the Campus Safety website, under ‘Frequently requested forms and links’ and filling out the Appeal Form. Parking appeal submissions are reviewed monthly by an Appeal Committee. The decision of the appeal will be sent by email. Appealed tickets are not due until after the review/decision. Campus Safety has no say in the outcome of the decision of an appeal, it is decided only by the Appeal Committee.
Please contact Campus Safety (507-933-8809, if assistance is needed.
NOTE: Generally, the following have NOT been recognized as valid reasons for voiding citations:
- Ignorance of the regulations
- Late arrival for classes, appointments, etc.
- Inability to find a convenient legal parking space
- Inclement weather
- Returning to campus late at night
Review Procedure
- Appeals must be completed within five (5) working days of receipt of ticket.
- Each appeal is reviewed based on written submission, vehicle/person ticket history, and ticket circumstances.
- Each ticket will be upheld, changed to a warning, or dismissed. Decisions are emailed with the final amount due.
- Appeal decisions are final.
Safety Services
- There are security phones marked by blue lights located around campus and in parking lots. Please use these phones anytime you need assistance (It does not have to be an emergency).
SAFE RIDES: SAFE RIDES: Campus Safety provides a student-run Safe Rides program, operating nightly from 7pm-1am (November 1-April 1 from 6pm-1am). Please call 507-933-7000 from one of the marked Safe Rides stops for an on-campus escort. For more information, 24-hour medical escorts, or for walking escorts after 1am, call Campus Safety at 507-933-8888 ( or x8888 from a campus phone).