Public Crime Log
The Gustavus Adolphus College Public Crime Log is a report of all crimes reported to the Department of Campus Safety. A case number is assigned for all reports written by a Campus Safety officer, and may not be in sequential order. Crimes reported to outside agencies that are then reported to Campus Safety will reflect different case numbers, and it may not be possible to provide all information regarding the five areas typically covered in the Crime Log, i.e. (Nature/Classification, Date Reported, Date Occurred, Time, General Location, and Disposition). Because an official report was not filed, the disposition will be ‘Closed’.
The crime log incidents will not match the crime statistics listed in the College’s Annual Security Report, as the Public Crime Log reflects all incidents reported to Campus Safety and the annual crime statistics are required by law to be compiled using the Federal Uniformed Crime Reporting crime definitions.
According to Federal Law, an institution may withhold any of the required fields of entry, i.e. the nature, date, time, location and/or disposition if any of the following conditions apply:
- The disclosure is prohibited by law
- If disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim.
- If disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual
- If disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection
- If disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence
Crime Log Disposition Definitions
The following is an explanation of the terminology used to complete the Disposition section of the Crime Log:
Active: The case is currently being investigated by the Department of Campus Safety.
Campus Conduct System: The case has been referred to the Gustavus Adolphus College conduct system through the Dean of Students office or other internal College disciplinary follow up.
Cleared by Arrest: The Saint Peter Police Department or other local law enforcement entity has issued a citation or made an arrest for at least one violation or incident involved in the case. If an incident involved arrest and a referral to the campus conduct system, it will show as ‘Cleared by Arrest’.
Closed: No further investigative action is required.
Inactive: The case has not been closed, but there is no active investigation being done.
Unfounded: The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless by the Saint Peter Police Department. No offense occurred nor was attempted.