Kendall Center NewsletterJanuary 1, 2022

Kendall Center J-term Programming

The Kendall Center for Engaged Learning is pleased to offer these various sessions, workshops, and reading groups during J-term. Books and refreshments will be provided to participants. Please email Cathy Blaukat ( to register. 

Course Proposal Open House 
January 6th from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the St. Peter Room or via Zoom (ID: 6682379738)
The goal of this session is to allow faculty to stop in to ask questions about the new curriculum, course proposals, and the Challenge Seminar. Kate Knutson, Sharon Marquart and Valerie Walker will compose the panel. Refreshments provided.

Tuesday, January 11th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Three Crowns Room
Topic: Supporting Student and Faculty Mental Health in the Classroom
This session will discuss walking the line between supporting students with mental health concerns during an ongoing pandemic and providing a space for them to develop resilience; all while taking care of yourself! Facilitator: Hannah Godbout, Director, Counseling Center. Lunch will be provided.

Wednesday, January 12th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room 
Topic: Trauma-Informed Care in the Classroom
This session will teach you how to recognize trauma-reactions in yourself and others through an intracultural lens. You will learn appropriate ways to respond to students who are exhibiting symptoms of trauma that will prevent further harm to the individual. The training also covers boundary-setting as a tool to balance enabling versus empowering students when they seek help. Co-Facilitators: Alyssa Baker and Monica Mikhaeil, Mental Health Therapists, Counseling Center. Lunch will be provided.

Mid-Career Faculty Programming
Tuesday, January 11th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. virtual 
Topic: Time to go up for Promotion?
Kendall Center invites all associate professors to come together for a virtual panel discussion with colleagues who have recently been promoted. Panelists will share their own promotion journeys, along with discussing questions such as why one should go up for promotion? When may be a good time to go up for promotion? And what are some of the barriers that may have prevented faculty from going up for promotion?
ID: 85617223986 Passcode: xrutride

Thursday, January 13th 
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the President's Dining Room (PDR)
Topic: Process of Promotion
Got tenure? Ready to go up for Full Professor? Join us for an information meeting with the Chair of the Personnel Committee, Scott Bur, to better understand the process for promotion. Facilitator: Scott Bur, Professor, Chemistry and Co-Chair. Lunch will be provided.

Tuesday, January 18th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room 
Topic: My Gustavus 
Bring your laptop for a hands-on session with the new MyGustavus, which replaces WebAdvisor as of December 2021. Facilitator: Elizabeth Kubek, Associate Provost and Dean of Arts and Humanities in Provost's Office and Professor, English. Lunch will be provided. 

Wednesday, January 19th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the St. Peter Room 
Topic: Moodle Q&A, top 3 tips, and what’s new 
Facilitator: Marni Dunning, Associate Director for Instructional Services, GTS. Lunch provided.

Reading Groups
Monday, January 10th and Tuesday, January 11th from 9 a.m. to noon in the St Peter Room
Faculty will read On Being Included, Sara Ahmed's classic text on the experience of "diversity workers" on college campuses. Faculty participants will share their responses to the reading and ideas for discussion as we consider the implications of Ahmed's study for Gustavus. The book will be provided to all participants. Facilitator: Jill Locke, Professor, Political Science. Lunch will be provided. 

Fridays, January 28 and February 4 in Vickner Hall, Phi Beta Kappa Room from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Join us for a reading group on Resmaa Menakem’s book My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies. The book provides new solutions to recognizing and healing racialized trauma. Come to these book discussions and discover what it means to heal our whole “selves.” Wear comfortable clothing. All participants will receive a free copy of the book. Facilitator: Esther Wang, Associate Professor of Piano, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Faculty Associate, Kendall Center. Refreshments provided. 

Wednesdays, January 5, 12, and 19th in the President’s Dining Room from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 
Join us for a reading group on the book Superior: The Return of Race Science by Angela Saini. The book chronicles how science legitimized the use of race to categorize people and consequences of that bad science all the way up to the mid 2010s. It explores the biological and social consequences for people/societies. The author does a great job of making biological and social science accessible to a general audience. Katherine Leehy will facilitate. All participants will receive a free copy of the book. Facilitator: Katherine Leehy, Assistant Professor, Biology. Lunch will be provided. 

2 Day Faculty Writing Retreat in January at Mt Olivet

The Kendall Center is sponsoring a Writing Retreat for faculty on Tuesday, January 11 and Wedesday, January 12 at Mount Olivet Conference and Retreat Center in Farmington, MN. This is a great opportunity to focus on your writing. The retreat is open to all faculty. The Kendall Center covers the cost of the retreat. Please RSVP to Cathy Blaukat to sign up. 

There will be a second retreat on Friday, March 18, 2022 and Saturday, March 19, 2022 at Mount Olivet Conference Center in Farmington, MN 

Mentoring Community 

Please join us on Tuesday, January 18 from 4:30-6:00 the St Peter Room for a Mentoring Community gathering. The Kendall Center believes that anyone at any stage of their lives and careers can benefit from space and opportunity to share their whole self. The mentoring community also strengthens the Gustavus community, reminding us that we are not alone and we are stronger together. This community hopes to spark further conversations and future collaborations. Regardless of age, background, faculty rank and status, all faculty who are interested in building and strengthening their relationships with others in the Gustavus Community are invited to attend any or all of the three 90 min gatherings throughout the school year. These gatherings will be facilitated with time to reflect and write on specific questions/issues as well as opportunities to practice deep listening and sharing in small groups.

Kendall Center Grant Opportunities

The Kendall Center continues to offer several grant opportunities for faculty. Please visit the Kendall Center website for more information on the types of grants, info, and applications. Any questions, please contact Ruth Lin, Kendall Center Director.

Competitive Travel Grants Available - Apply Now

The Kendall Center for Engaged Learning will offer limited competitive travel grants of up to $1000 to all faculty who are tenured, tenure-track, and those who have continuing instructor status. This money will be on top of the normal travel grant allocation available to individual faculty, and will cover any meeting, conference, or workshop that occurs in the period of June 1, 2021-May 31, 2022. The applications are due Friday, January 31st and decisions will be communicated to faculty by February 14th. Detailed information, along with the application, can be found on our website.

Develop your Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) Curricula or Research Workshop

On January 17, KCEL will host workshops designed to help you develop your community-engaged learning (CEL) curricula or research. Jane Turk, Director of Member Engagement for Campus Compact of MN/IA, will facilitate two sessions designed to offer something to both experienced CEL practitioners and those just getting started. location TBA. Attend one session or both! Valuable for beginners and veterans!
Session One: Community-Engaged Course Design 101
12:30-2 PM 
(Lunch provided: Arrive @ 12:15 for a meal ticket)

Session Two: Designing CEL Outcomes and Assessment
2:30-4 PM 
Jane Turk from Campus Compact of Iowa and Minnesota will host this two-part workshop. Session One provides an overview of the foundational principles of community-engaged course design. This is valuable information for beginning CEL practitioners and seasoned veterans alike. Session Two emphasizes transparent teaching as a key strategy to developing measurable learning outcomes and alignment between your course activities, community engagement component, assignments, and evaluation criteria. Both portions of the workshop will be highly interactive and include structured time for individual reflection and small group discussion and feedback. 

New Faculty Retreat

There will be a New Faculty Retreat on Wednesday, January 26 from noon to 3 pm in the St Peter Room. Lunch will be provided.

January 2022 Advisor Development Workshops

The Academic Support Center and the Kendall Center are once again teaming up to sponsor three advisor development workshops in January. All Gustavus advisors are welcome to attend one, two, or all three of the workshops. A morning and an afternoon session will be offered each day. Light snacks, fruit, coffee, and tea will be provided. Register today!

Workshop #1: Advising Student Athletes
Wednesday, January 5 at 9 AM or 2:30 PM in the St. Peter Room
Register online!
What are the unique advising needs of our student athletes, and what should advisors know about the student athlete experience? Join us to learn more! Facilitated by Hayley Russell, Jared Phillips, Jeff Owen, and Kari Eckheart.

Workshop #2: Advising Students with Disabilities
Wednesday, January 19 at 9 AM or 2:30 PM in the St. Peter Room 
Register online!
What are the unique advising and registration needs of students with disabilities (SWD)? Because you may not always know when you are advising SWD (Hint: You usually don't know. And that's OK!), join your colleagues at this session to learn useful strategies that you can apply when working with a wide variety of students. Facilitated by Corrie Odland, Jane Lalim, and Tom McHugh

Sabbatical Leave Deadline

The deadline for sabbatical leave applications for the 2023-2024 academic year is 5pm, Monday, March 7, 2022. Proposal forms and guidelines are available on the Kendall Center website at Questions may be directed to Faculty Development Committee Chair Sarah Wolter.

Presidential Faculty-Student Collaboration Grant deadline

The Presidential Faculty-Student Collaboration Grant deadline is Monday, February 21, 2022, 5 p.m. The online application forms and guidelines are available on the Kendall Center website at Questions may be directed to Faculty Development Committee Chair Sarah Wolter.

Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Grant

The Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Grant deadline is Monday, February 14, 2022, 5 p.m. The online application forms and guidelines are available on the Kendall Center website at Questions may be directed to Faculty Development Committee Chair Sarah Wolter.