Health InsuranceHuman Resources

Husk Wellness Marketplace
  • Enjoy exclusive savings and flexible membership options to a variety of gym and fitness center facilities, participate in on-demand fitness group exercise classes, meet with a nutritionist and more! Review this information for more details. 
  • Engage virtually with an expert Nutrionist from Husk. Click here for more information and registration. You may also access information and a QR code to register from this flyer
  • Nutrition Education Flyer
Free Access to CancerCARE

The CancerCARE Program is a free, fully integrated cancer solution included in YOUR health plan thatsupports you from the first day of your diagnosis well into the stages of aftercare. CancerCARE coordinates care and benefits for patients with new or existing cancers. Our expert medical team
advocates for the best possible care in your community or at a leading national Centers of Excellence location. Click here to learn more. Click this link to Frequently Asked Questions and testimonials.

Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool

This online questionnaire is intended for women between the ages of 35 - 74 through the National Cancer Institute (NCI). After answering brief questions, it estimates a woman's risk of a breast cancer diagnosis. Together with regular mammograms, this risk assessment tool can help determine necessity for additional tests, such as an MRI. 

Quit Smoking or Tobacco 
Minnesota residents are eligible to participate in the Quit Partner Program. Quit Partner is Minnesota’s free way to quit nicotine, including smoking, vaping and chewing. They support your quit with one-on-one coaching and other helpful tools. 
Health and Wellness Newsletters
July 2024
June 2024
Machine Readable Files

The Transparency in Coverage Rules require certain group health plans to disclose on a public website information regarding in-network provider rates and historical out-of-network allowed amounts and billed charges for covered items and services in two separate machine-readable files (MRFs). The MRFs for the Gustavus health plans are linked here: AHA MRF The data contained within the link is displayed in a .JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file. The .JSON format is a technical standard data interchange format that is primarily used for transmitting data between a web application and a server. These files must be opened using a specialized .JSON file reader. If a .JSON file is opened using a standard business application (such as Microsoft Word), the file contents will appear as a large series of alphanumeric characters (similar to .HTML code) that will not be able to be clearly read or understood. These files are meant to be used by researchers, government entities, and data aggregators to develop comparative data across health insurance issuers. They are not intended for use by health plan members, employees, or non-technical business users.