Christ Chapel Reservations


Christ Chapel is an active place. During the school year, Daily Sabbath, Sunday worship, ensemble rehearsals, lectures, conferences, and special events fill the Chapel calendar. These are punctuated by weddings, baptisms, memorial services, and contracted special events such as synod assemblies and community concerts, all of which also continue during the summer. If you are interested in reserving the Chapel for an event, please review the policies and procedures on this page. 

On-campus and Off-campus Groups

Events in Christ Chapel are subject to availability and the approval of the Chaplains' Office staff. You may reserve Christ Chapel by calling Jodi Maas at 507-933-7001. There is no fee for on-campus groups. Off-campus groups are charged $300 and must sign a facilities and services agreement. When you call you will be asked the following:

  • The date and starting and ending time of your event
  • The sponsoring group and contact information for your event
  • A description of the event
  • Whether you will need media services, and if so, details regarding that
  • Whether you will require the Sexton's services
  • Additional information or requests

It is important that you and your group:

  • Respect the sacredness of the Chapel by projecting attitudes of decorum and regard for the feelings of all who care for the Chapel
  • Notify the Chaplains' Office immediately if your event is cancelled
  • Clear any schedule changes in advance with the Chaplains' Office
  • Stay within the time constraints of your reservation, including set up and clean up time
  • Restore things to their proper places following your use of the Chapel
  • Adhere to all college policies while using the Chapel