CatholicismCatholic Life at Gustavus
Virtual resources
Some good online resources for Catholic students include:
The Hallow app
The Youtube channel Ascension Presents
Talks by Fr. Andrew Dickinson from SDSU's Newman Center, such as this one.
Newman Center
The Newman Center is a group of students dedicated to building a deeper understanding of the Roman Catholic faith. Activities include fellowship events, campus-wide prayer services and masses, car pools to mass at the Church of St. Peter, and work with the St. Peter Catholic youth group. The Newman Center is a place to pray, talk, read, and find information on Catholicism, religious issues, and group events. Rides to Mass at the Church of St. Peter leave from Three Flags at 9:45am on Sundays.
Catholic Rosary Prayer
Mondays and Fridays from 10-10:20am in the Multifaith Center