Cruise on by


Cruise on by 


#1 Thursday, September 5th @ 6-8pm, Eckman Lawn

Welcoming you all back to campus at the Involvement Fair, Eckman Lawn! FIG (first year interest group) opportunity, come & sign-up! And ALL pre-health students come check the list to be sure you are in our database and labeled correctly. We will have snacks! Come see Heather & Heidi. 

#2 Wednesday, October 16th @ 11-1pm, Campus Center (by caf)

In recognition of Emotional Wellness Month, Campus Center (outside caf)! Cruise by & sign a ready made card with a special quote for a friend! They will brighten your day & someone else's, we promise. 


#3 Monday, Feb. 3 (11am-1pm) Outside Caf

In honor of American Health Month, we will be featuring the top 5 nuts for your health. Cruise by and learn about how nuts can help you be healthier and how best to incorporate them into your daily diet. 


#4 Tuesday, April 29 @ 11am-1pm, (Konferensrum, Johnson Student Union, across from Financial Aid Office) 

Celebrating GUSTIE health profession students ADMITS for the 2024-2025 cycle! FREE Frozen Yogurt and toppings bar! Summer is right around the corner, and so is the month of May which is National Mental Health Month. 

updated HB 8/30/2024