Jenna Rieth '20


Name: Jenna Rieth

Graduation Year: December 2019

Major: Exercise Physiology

Your Story: As a gymnast and pole vaulter, I sustained several injuries throughout my many
years of competition. I was always inspired by those in the medical profession who
helped me recover and prepare for the next competition.

When I first started at Gustavus, I was interested in a variety of medical careers,
however, I knew that I wanted a career that would be both challenging and
rewarding. During my second January Interim I completed a Career Exploration, I was able to
shadow a Physical Therapist for the whole month of January. This experience
solidified my decision to pursue a career in Physical Therapy.

Top Five Activities/Experiences: (in no particular order)
1. Being a Collegiate Fellow (CF)
2. Participating in Track and Field
3. Volunteering as a Student Athlete Volunteer Educator (SAVE)
4. Working on campus
5. Presenting my research project at Kennesaw State University in Georgia

1. Start shadowing experiences as early as possible to help confirm your career path. Volunteer at a variety of settings and develop relationships with preceptors; these preceptors could write letters of recommendation for your graduate school applications.

2. Get involved on campus – find clubs, activities or employment opportunities that
interest you.

3. Take advantage of the services on campus, such as the writing center for essay
help or the career development office for assistance in finding shadowing

4. Start working on Physical Therapy applications as soon as possible and apply to a
variety of programs in different locations.

5. Seek employment during your time at Gustavus that will showcase increased

Future Plans:
I will be attending the College of St. Scholastica – Doctor of Physical Therapy
program beginning in June 2020.

Updated 4/17/2020 HB