Provost's Research Course Release Award

General Description

The annual Research Course Release opportunity is a competitive, application-based process designed to reward up to two tenured Gustavus faculty additional time to conduct their scholarly/creative work. Through this opportunity, the Provost, in consultation with recipients of the Research award, will grant up to two (2) faculty members each one course release during the academic year toward advancement of scholarly or creative work of Gustavus faculty. These awards are competitive and reward faculty who have achieved excellence and high productivity in research/creative works. Upon selection, recipients will consult with the chair of their department or program to decide the semester of the course release and the course-specific details. 

Submission Guidelines

These are viewed as a unique opportunity for a faculty to complete or make measurable progress on a significant project in their scholarly/creative area. Faculty members who apply for this opportunity must demonstrate that they have a significant project to complete, that substantial and measurable progress can be made through time allocated with a course release, and that they have the capabilities of completing the project outlined on the timeline given. All proposals must include the following components: 

  • Completion of a Google Application Form
  • Narrative of proposed activities during the semester of the course release, including the following elements:
    • Project description
    • Discussion of significance of the proposal
    • Context that relates proposal to previous activity and long-range plans
    • Timeline and Plan for the semester of the course release
    • Expected outcome at the end of the semester
  • Department letter of acknowledgement of submission
  • Updated CV
  • Evidence for anticipated outcome (e.g., letter of support from collaborator, letter of acceptance from a journal editor or book publisher, letter from a gallery, contract with record label, or contract with theatre)


Gustavus tenured faculty who are not: 
1. On leave during the academic year of the requested release
2. Proposing work on a project for which they are already receiving a course release
3. Receiving course releases for scholarly/creative activity due to their position as an endowed chair


• Awarded faculty must teach at least one course during the semester of the research course release. 
• Awarded faculty are expected to continue to conduct college-wide and departmental service and advise students during the semester of the research course release. 
• Awarded faculty are expected to be available on campus for instruction as well as meetings with students and colleagues during the semester of the research course release. 
• Awarded faculty must submit a report on the outcomes of the research course release award by Sept 1 in the academic year following receipt of the award. 


Quality of Proposal
• Does the application carefully describe the proposed plan of scholarship and/or creative activity (with sufficient detail)?
• Is the expected completion date for what will be accomplished during the semester of the course release clear?
• Is the proposal clearly written?
• Does the proposal explain how the project will contribute to the existing body of work in the field? 

Context for Proposal
• Does the narrative discuss the significance of the proposed activities? 
• Does the narrative convey the timeliness of the project -- why now is the optimal time for the research and/or optimal time considering departmental needs?
• Does the information provided offer context for why the proposed work is important in the faculty member’s previous activities and explain how the request fits precisely within the faculty member’s overall, long-range plans for scholarly and professional development? 

Clearly Projected Outcomes and Achievements
• Does the proposal explain the specific project outcomes/what will be produced as a result of the course release? 


We will pilot this award for three years. In year four, we will give no awards and assess cost, outcomes, and overall interest to determine whether to continue the award and, if so, suggest possible revisions. Proposals will first be invited for consideration with a deadline of October 1, 2024, for spring 2025. We anticipate one award (i.e., one faculty member, one course release) in year one (2024-25). In 2025-26, we anticipate two awards will be granted. Proposals will be invited twice per year (due April 1 and October 1). The April 1 deadline will be toward a Fall course release. The October 1 deadline will be toward a spring course release.