The Model OrganismNobel Conference 59 | Resources

Insects make powerful model systems because they are small, inexpensive to grow, quickly reproduce, and are relatively easy to keep in a lab. However, most importantly, our differences from insects are often less than you may think. At the level of cells, molecules, and genes, we are very similar to insects. Thus, scientists can use them to gain a more detailed and nuanced understanding of the foundational biology of stem cells, nervous system function, senescence, reproduction, cancer, and even mental health.

What are Model Organisms? This article from YourGenome identifies basic concepts about what model organisms are in relation to science and provides information as to why model organisms are helpful in scientific research.

Lonely flies, like many humans, eat more and sleep less Nobel Conference presenter Dr. Michael Young won the Nobel Prize for his work on circadian rhythms using fruit flies. Here’s a piece about his current research–on fly loneliness. 

These Moths Can Track Sounds with One Ridiculously Simple Ear How a species of moths might provide the inspiration for a technological innovation for hearing aids and cell phones. From Inside Science.

Beetles as Model Organisms in Physiological, Biomedical and Environmental Studies– A Review What’s the current information about beetles as model organisms? This review article from Frontiers in Physiology sums it up.