Technology & Mental HealthNobel Conference 58 | Resources

Is social media helping or harming the mental health of the young people using it? Frequently, psychologists warn against the dangers of social media usage, pointing to cyberbullying, and potential disconnections between what is online and what is reality, such as unattainable beauty standards. However, another perspective points to online communities as sources of connection, support and empowerment for young people. Mental health experts also point to technology as a potential resource for those with more severe mental disabilities. The resources below help illustrate both the positive and negative aspects of technology when it comes to mental health. 

Benefits of Online Interaction for Teens This article, featuring Nobel Speaker Dr. Tynes, discusses the positive outcomes of adolescent interactions online. Tynes argues teens build critical thinking and argumentative skills and engage in interracial discussion while chatting online - all of which lead to development benefits.

Social Media and Mental Health This short, educational web page explains the potential negative mental health outcomes that social media users can experience. Because young people are often social media users, it can be helpful to understand the impact this might have on mental health concerns. 

The Mental Health Dilemma: If technology is the problem, can it also be the solution? This short article discusses the paradox in which screen time is linked with worsening mental health while at the same time technology is being used more and more to improve mental health care. It discusses ways in which technology can be used for good in this regard.

The Silver Lining of Virtual School for Some Autistic Students This commentary by Nobel Speaker Dr. Alpher discusses the positives and negatives of school moving online, especially for disadvantaged populations with disabilities.