Social RelationshipsNobel Conference 58 | Resources

One of the most formative aspects of adolescence and young adulthood is the social relationships that form during this period. The nature of the social connections made at this time can be a major predictor of mental health outcomes. The resources below introduce the importance of social connection for young people and discuss what happens when these social needs are not met.

  • Social Psychology of Close Relationships This Youtube video provides a comprehensive introduction to social psychology with a focus on our closest relationships. The video explains the relevance of understanding the effect our relationships have on our lives. 
  • The Anatomy of Loneliness Podcast Episode 2 of this podcast explores the link between social media, friendships, and loneliness. The rest of this 3 episode series is also valuable, discussing the physical and mental consequences of loneliness and ways in which loneliness can be mitigated. 
  • Relationship Matters Podcast This podcast has over 100 episodes, all of which feature experts on the psychology of all different types of relationships. 
  • Loneliness and Social Connection  This 14 minutes Q&A with Nobel speaker Dr. Barreto covers the basics of social connection and why it is important to consider. She outlines the factors that play a role in our social connections and discusses what happens when these interactions are not freely accessible. 
  • One in three young people say they felt happier during lockdown  This semi-academic article explains a phenomenon in which some young people increased rather than decreased in wellbeing during lockdown for COVID-19. This happened despite the fact that young people had less opportunity for social connection. This article discusses the potential reasons for this.