
On-Campus Resources

Sexual Assault Response Team members

Kelli Miller507-933-7630
Jill VanOsdol ’10507-933-7524
Ivy Harrison507-933-7630
Amy Pehrson ’91507-933-6360
  • A confidential resource
  • Give referrals to additional resources to medical, emotional and legal help
  • Provides a place for reporting
  • Helps survivors sort through their options
  • Will work with the Dean of Students' Office to help the survivor through the judicial process if this is how they choose to proceed.
  • Helps the survivor with any academic concerns they might have
  • Will work with residential life to explore alternative housing options for the survivor as well as assist in any other safety concerns
  • Will work with Nicollet Crime Victim Services if the survivor wishes to take advantage of off campus resources.

Counseling Center (507-933-7027)

  • Offers free and confidential counseling services on an individual or group basis
  • Helps a survivor sort through their options
  • Helps the survivor with strategies to take back control and manage intense feelings and invasive thoughts (flashbacks)
  • Provides a caring place with an objective to heal. This is a place where the survivor will not be told what to do.

Dean of Students Office (507-933-7526)

  • Provides a Dean on call after hours by calling Safety and Security
  • Can issue a "No Contact Order" between students
  • Gives referrals to additional resources to medical, emotional and legal help
  • Provides a place for reporting
  • Helps a survivor sort through their options
  • Helps the survivor through the judicial process
  • Helps the survivor with any academic concerns they might have
  • Will look at alternative housing options for the survivor as well as assist in any other safety concerns
  • Will work with Nicollet Crime Victim Services if the survivor wishes to take advantage of off campus resources.

Chaplains’ Office (507-933-7446)

  • Provides a safe place for confidential guidance
  • Gives the survivor the opportunity to incorporate faith in the healing process
  • Provides the opportunity for prayer
  • Provides individual support
  • Helps survivors cope with the range of feelings and emotions they might be experiencing
  • Offers ongoing spiritual guidance as new issues and emotions related to the assault arise. These feelings can sometimes arise at turning points of life.

Health Services (507-933-7630)

  • Provides confidential place for survivors of sexual assault to take care of the physical effects of an assault
  • Provides first response emotional and medical care
  • Helps victim to make a "to do list"—where to go from here
  • Will help refer victims to mental health resources
  • Can administer Plan B (morning after pill)
  • Will provide STD testing
  • Can write prescriptions for medications, if the survivor is having trouble with anxiety or sleeping

Campus Safety (507-933-8888)

  • Available at any time
  • Will immediately put you in contact with SART
  • Will immediately put you in contact with a counselor
  • Will contact the dean on call

Off-Campus Resources

Crime Victim Services, Inc.

Crime Victim Services, Inc has an office in St. Peter located at 305 S. Minnesota Avenues, Suite 102. Phone number is 1-800-630-1425 (English) and 1-800-519 8983 (Spanish). They provide free, confidential services to sexual assault victims in Brown, Nicollet and Sibley counties. Services include a 24 hour help line, provision of an advocate who can accompany you to the hospital and provide support in talking with law enforcement, and support groups for victims of sexual assault.

Aurora Center

The Aurora Center is located at the University of Minnesota. It provides a 24 hour help line, accepts walk-in clients and provides advocacy and support to victims of assault. It provides services for "concerned persons." It also has a number of useful information packets

Rape and Sexual Abuse Center, Minneapolis

Provides a 24 hour telephone crisis line, walk-in crisis counseling, individual and group therapy. It also has a comprehensive list of video and book resources

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Good source of information about sexual assault and provides links to local support

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

"The nation's largest anti sexual assault organization." Provides links for immediate help as well as helpful resources and programs that might be of interest.

The Men's Center

Twin Cities Men's Center provides support and therapy groups for male survivors of sexual assault

Male Survivor

National website with information and resources for male survivors of sexual assault