Sensory SpaceBy the Gustavus Adolphus College Counseling Center

We have created a newly curated Sensory Space for Gustavus Students to use. This space includes various items and technologies to help students find new ways to relax, meditate, self-regulate, increase or decrease external stimuli, and/or enhance their wellbeing.

To book a 30 minute or 60 minute appointment to use our Sensory Space, you can follow this link or you can contact our front desk.

At the time of your session, check in at our front desk, where our staff will direct you to the Sensory Space and provide a brief orientation for first-time users.

What's included in the Sensory Space?

  • Meditation Chair
  • Grounding Mats & Patches
  • Blackout Tent
  • Foot Massage Device
  • Light Therapy
  • Sound Machine
  • Acupressure Mat
  • Sensory Tray
  • Fidgets and Picking Pads

Meditation Chair

We have a meditation chair by SolTec Lounge. This chair uses sound, vibrations, and magnetic field stimulation technology to induce a meditative state when in use. All you have to do is start the music, relax, and allow yourself to let go as if you are allowing yourself to "fall asleep". The stimulation your body receives from the sound and vibrations are strong enough that you don't fall completely asleep, but rather you enter a drowsy/drifty state. In this state of consciousness, it is easier for your brain to let go of intrusive thoughts while also maintaining awareness of what your body is experiencing. Overall, this helps you enter a meditative state and experience deep relaxation.

We have other meditation resources on this page.

Earthing Mats & Patches

Earthing (also known as grounding) mats and patches offer a convenient way to connect to the Earth's natural energy indoors. These products work by transferring the Earth's electrons to your body (through a grounded outlet), providing benefits such as pain relief and energy synchronization. For targeted pain relief, apply Earthing patches to specific pain spots, or to the palms or feet for general grounding. Both products allow you to enjoy the benefits of grounding even when you can't be outdoors, enhancing your well-being and harmony with the Earth's natural frequencies. These products can be used on their own or in conjunction with other items in the Sensory Space.

Blackout Tent

This tent is designed to block out light, aiding in sensory deprivation and helping individuals with self-regulation when feeling overstimulated. It can also be used as a meditation aid. Noise-canceling headphones are provided to further enhance the sensory deprivation effect. Feel free to use a grounding mat, pillow, and/or blanket inside the tent for added comfort and grounding.

Foot Massage Device

This device is designed to massage your feet. There are settings to target the top and/or bottom parts of your feet, to increase/decrease pressure, and to incorporate heat into the massage. This device is designed to be used while sitting. We ask that you wear socks while using this device. We do provide single-use socks if needed.

Light Therapy

Our light therapy device exposes users to specific wavelengths of light to increase serotonin levels in the brain, helping to regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. It also aids in synchronizing circadian rhythms for improved sleep quality and uses blue light therapy to treat sleep disorders and jet lag. Detailed information is available to help you decide which function is right for you and how to use the device. Some settings can be harmful if the user's eyes are directly exposed to the light, so protective eye wear is required for these uses. Additionally, we require you to sign an informed consent waiver before using this device.

Sound Machine

This device can be placed inside or outside of the sensory space. When outside, it can serve to prevent anyone in the hallway from hearing sounds from inside the Sensory Room (we used these outside of our offices during therapy sessions so passersby can't hear conversation within our sessions). The device can be used inside the Sensory Room, in conjunction with other items in the space, to aid in meditation, auditory stimulation, and/or to block out external auditory stimuli.

Acupressure Mat

Experience pain relief and relaxation with the acupressure mat, designed based on traditional Chinese medicine principles. The mat features tiny spikes that stimulate acupressure points and the body's energy pathways, promoting balance and relieving pain. To use, find a quiet space and lie down on a flat surface with the mat beneath you. Start with your back, allowing the spikes to contact your body. Initially, the sensation may feel intense, but take slow, deep breaths and relax. Begin with 10-15 minute sessions, gradually increasing as you become comfortable. The mat can also help alleviate stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and enhance mindfulness and meditation practices.

Sensory Tray

This tray of materials was designed for tactile stimulation and/or meditation.

Fidget Toys and Picking Pads

Fidget toys are small, hand held objects designed to provide sensory stimulation and promote focus. These toys can aid in improving attention, reducing stress, and enhancing fine motor skills.

Picking pads are fidget toys that are textured and designed to provide a safe and satisfying outlet for individuals who have the urge to pick at their skin, nails, hair, or other objects. Often used as a therapeutic tool, these pads help reduce harmful picking behaviors associated with conditions such as dermatillomania (skin-picking disorder) and anxiety. By offering a tactile alternative, picking pads can aid in managing stress and promoting healthier habits.